Archives for 2010

How to Get Rid of Loose Skin

This is a question we’ve been seeing a fair bit so I figured I’d catch up with my buddy and plastic surgery resident Bryan Chung to try and answer it.

In order to figure out how to ‘get rid of’ loose skin we first have to determine what it is and how you might end up getting it in the first place.

Venus Index Reports how to get rid of loose skin

Is it loose skin, or just a bit more fat?!

This however is harder to determine than you might think as many factors come into play including:

1) Genetics – some people are just predisposed to getting loose skin easier than others

2) Age – as we age our skin becomes less ‘elastic’ and we become more susceptible to getting loose skin

3) Weight loss – if you lose a massive amount of weight you may have stretched your skin far enough that it won’t ‘snap’ back

4) Is it Just More Fat – Many people mistakenly think they have ‘loose skin’ when in reality they just have a bit more fat to lose.

In today’s podcast Bryan and I get to the bottom of the ‘loose skin’ issue and what can be done about it (if you determine that you really do have loose skin).


P.S. The audio is a bit rough on this one cuz I forgot my headset, it’ll be back to normal next week!


You can download the transcript here: How to Get Rid of Loose Skin


Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body

In today’s podcast we interview one of the contest winners from a past Adonis Index transformation Jason Haynes.

Jason made a dramatic change over the course of two contests and his transformation has influenced and motivated many others to commit to making a real change in their body.

Jason will share some of the insights he gained from losing almost 60lbs to fundamentally change the look and shape of his body.

Venus Index Reports How to Transform Your Body

Jason knows what it takes to make a big time change!

He’ll also give you some tips and advice on what to expect when you decide to take the next step with your body and how others will react towards you. And make no mistake about it. The same hurdles, and barriers exist for men and women so the information Jason is sharing is seriously valuable.

This is a social and psychological exploration of what it’s like to make a big time change in your body and how to deal with other people and yourself once you’ve got to where you want to go.

This is also a bit of mental preparation for those of you who are going to be entering the first ever Venus Index Transformation Contest!

So listen up this is a good one!

If you want to read the transcript you can download it here:

Mindtricks & Tips for Transforming Your Body: An interview with Jason Haynes


Counting Calories Part 2: Estimating Calories Consumed

Last week we talked about the inherent errors trying to count the calories you burn, and today we’re going to discuss the errors when trying to count the calories you consume.

These common errors are the reason some people thing ‘calorie counting’ doesn’t work, and from a certain point of view it doesn’t simply because you can never know for sure how many calories you have eaten or burned…you can only guess.

That is why one of our most important weight loss principles is called CALORIE GUESSING.

Calorie Counting Part 2 Venus Index Podcast

We know you can only estimate the calories you eat or burn, so trying to count them too precisely will just lead to underestimations of how much you’ve eaten and over-estimations of how much you’ve burned.

In todays podcast we’ll discuss the biggest calorie counting errors on the consumption side and how to compensate for these errors and get your weight loss program moving forward.

If you want to read the transcript you can download it here:

Counting Calories Part 2: Estimating Calories Consumed


Calorie Guessing Part 1: Estimating Calories Burned

Losing weight requires you to consume less calories than you burn, but the big problem is you can never know for sure how many calories you’ve burned. The best you can ever do is guess.

In today’s podcast we’ll discuss some of the major errors in guessing the amount of calories you’ve burned and we’ll show you how to account for each of these errors.

Some of the major errors include:

Overestimation of calories burned by cardio and exercise machines

Overestimation of BMR calculators

Overestimation of the ‘activity factor’ of BMR calculators

the “NET” effect of exercise vs the GROSS effect.

All of these errors contribute to over estimating the amount of calories burned on a daily and weekly basis. It doesn’t take much of an error to add up over time, and if you keep making the same error in your calculations it could be the difference between seeing a big change in your body or just spinning your wheels.

You can listen to the podcast or download the transcript.


You can download the transcript here:

Calorie Guessing Part 1 Estimating Calories Burned


How to Get Rid of Cellulite

One of the first questions that came up in the Venus Index forums was about “Cellulite”…specifically, how do you get rid of it?!

To answer a question like this I need to recruit the aid of a good friend Bryan Chung. He is a a plastic surgery resident and has his Phd in Sports Medicine and a very informative blog at: Evidence Based Fitness

In today’s podcast Bryan and I get to the bottom of what Cellulite is and what you can do to get rid of it.

For starters ‘Cellulite’ is a slang term that has no scientific meaning, but physicians and researchers will know what you’re talking about when you refer to ‘cellulite’.

The reason women get it but men don’t is because there is a genetic difference in the basic structure of fat cells in women vs men.

Various options exist for dealing with cellulite including liposuction, fat injections (yes one of the treatments is to just cover the cellulite with more fat!) and the one I tend to favor; losing weight.

If you don’t have time to listen to the audio you can download and read the transcript here:

READ: How to Get Rid of Cellulite


Cardio or Diet For Weight Loss

Is this really going to help with weight loss?

It seems that many people believe that cardiovascular (“cardio” for short) exercise is necessary for weight loss. The reality is that you can lose weight without doing a second of cardio if you want to.

I’m not saying that you should avoid cardio, but as far as weight loss is concerned it’s not a requirement.

There are many other health benefits to doing regular cardiovascular activity but physiologically and psychologically. Activity and movement is good for your overall sense of well being and there are innumerable benefits that can’t be listed here…unfortunately weight loss isn’t one of them.

Losing weight is dependent upon creating a caloric deficit. In other words, burning more calories than you consume.

With that said it’s obvious that exercising and ‘cardio’ can help you burn a few more calories…BUT, and this is a big BUT…it’s much easier to overeat far more calories than you can ever exercise off.

For example, it might take you or I a solid 90 minutes of ‘cardio’ to burn off 300-400 extra calories…but it would only take us about 2 minutes to eat an extra muffin today that has about 350 calories…

So what is the better option? Find a way to avoid the muffin, or commit to a 90 minute cardio workout?

The point is cardio can help with burning a few more calories, as long as you don’t overcompensate by eating more food. And this is the catch 22 with doing more and more exercise…it stimulates hunger (not to mention it makes you more tired and lethargic at other times of the day)

In other words, you can’t just fix more with more. You cannot simply decide you want to overeat 1000 calories today and try to exercise off 1500 calories. It’s simply not possible.

It’s a much better proposition to shoot for a calorie deficit below BMR (basal metabolic rate) by eating less calories…and then consider any extra calorie loss you get form exercise as a ‘bonus’.

At least this way you allow some wiggle room for the inevitable cookie attack or ice cream meltdown that tends to happen throughout a busy stressful work week.

In todays first ever Venus Index podcast we tackle this question and try to determine how you can use cardio to help compliment your weight loss efforts.

If you can’t listen to the audio you can download the transcript:

Download Transcript –> Cardio or Diet for Weight Loss


Register For Updates

Hey, thanks for stopping by.

In the next few days, you’ll start hearing a lot about the Venus Index and the Venus Index Workout, as we begin to unveil the inner workings behind both…

… and how you can use these to get the body you want.

So, while you’re waiting for the fun:

  • “Like” the Fan page to the side for more updates and cool stuff
  • Get on the updates list and get access to the free webinar we’re did on Nov 4th.

Much more to come (very soon)

