A Wine Country Venus Meet-Up (Meet Anea and Jerie)

Doesn't Jerie look Amazing?!

Doesn’t Jerie look Amazing?!


One of the coolest things about my job as a coach for all the various companies I work for is making new friends.

Fitness is only a small part of the picture.  Most of the time I come along side as a friend and life coach, because achieving a fitness goal is more about the internal struggle than the physical.

The physical is merely a benefit of having a Venus Empowered Life.

I met Anea and Jerie inside the Venus Community and we all decided to get together in California’s Wine Country to celebrate all of our birthdays.

We got together last weekend and had a beautiful time together.

In the picture above Jerie is wearing a dress she bought while shopping on our little weekend together.

We had such a blast in the little boutique trying on dresses!

We decided to have a little chat on the top of a hill with the rolling hills and Vineyards behind us:


We took some beautiful pictures of our time together:


Anea, Jerie, and I on our hike.

Anea, Jerie, and I on our hike.


Jerie looking beautiful at Ram's Gate Winery.

Jerie looking beautiful at Ram’s Gate Winery.


Oh the food at Rams Gate Winery!

Oh the food at Rams Gate Winery!


Anea captured the bird flying behind Jerie and I in the picture.

Anea captured the bird flying behind Jerie and I in the picture.


I hope you enjoyed the video and pictures of our birthday weekend.

You can find Jerie and Anea on the inside in the online community.


Anea has made tremendous progress so far! She plans to keep going with Venus.

Anea has made tremendous progress so far! She plans to keep going with Venus.


I hope you have the most amazing weekend ever!

Never Settle

Never Give Up

Live Your Dream

-Coach Roberta




She fought the Type 1 diabetes battle and WON! (Meet Char)

"It fills me with joy to share it. It works. It works for me, with my moment to moment struggles, and it can work for anyone. We don’t have to settle. We can achieve. We can become. It is good, but it also gets better! "

“It fills me with joy to share it. It works. It works for me, with my moment to moment struggles, and it can work for anyone. We don’t have to settle. We can achieve. We can become. It is good, but it also gets better! “


Char placed in our last contest.  She is a type 1 diabetic who struggled for many years to lose excess weight.  She has an incredible story to share because she never gave up.  She refused to settle for what her doctors said was “As good as it gets”.

Here is what she wrote:

It’s as good as it gets. Over and over. I’d hear it. All my doctors and specialists, and that’s a big community when you’re me.

I’ve been a Type 1 Diabetic Female for nearly 20 years now. What that means is that my body works against itself. Vital parts that keep me alive are attacked and destroyed, and as the years go on, more than just my pancreas has ceased to work.

While there is no cure, there are measures I can take to improve my standard of living. This is where what I’ve wanted, and what my Doctors answer, are in conflict. I’ve constantly questioned, pushed, and refused to accept my unhappy results.

I never wanted to be compared to other Type 1s, I wanted my results to mimic those of healthy people.

What did I have to do to make THAT happen?

The problem with demanding those results and asking those questions in a community that treats sick people, is that no one knows!

As I continued to fight and look for a better way, I experienced the ups and downs of being told one thing and wanting another.

A better word to describe Type 1 is the moment to moment disease, as it’s a highly fluctuating, volatile condition. This moment may be great, but give us half an hour, and we could be in emergency status.

Numbers. Equations. Life altering decisions. Every. Minute. Every. Day.

The feedback we get throughout the day comes from a variety of life info devices: pumps, meters, pins, syringes, sets, monitors, and the CGM or the Constant Glucose Monitor. Constant.

Sleep does not bring peace. These devices beep and whir all night, too, giving sometimes positive, sometimes negative results.

It’s hard not to take it personal.

It’s hard not to listen to the voices and disclaimers that all tell you, “You are the exception. This works except in the case of the auto immune.

“This is as good as it gets.”

After a recent injury and time period where I let it all get to me, I finally got my fight back.

For months I’d sought help from my Type 1 professional community, with the same sad results. It wasn’t until I forced myself back into the fitness community, and found Venus and other like-minded resources, that I overcame.

Not only did I lose my injury weight, but I discovered how I never again had to be the victim to life’s ups and downs.

Not even with my disease. I could determine what I wanted and have a clear path on how to achieve those results, and KEEP THEM!

The knowledge that has come through Venus, has given me so much power. The ability to know how to achieve, fix things when I go off road, and to obtain and MAINTAIN my goals.

It’s everything. And really, so simple.

The greater lesson I’ve come to in all of this, is now, how to help others.

I was stuck for so many years, just dealing with my health issues, which comprise so much of my time during the day.

Isn’t it interesting how the fitness community, a community of healthy, fit people, have helped me realize things about my disease that my doctors and specialists could not?

Even to the point where I am able to pay it forward?

Now I have the added benefit of knowing that everyone can do this. It fills me with joy to share it.

It works. It works for me, with my moment to moment struggles, and it can work for anyone.

We don’t have to settle. We can achieve. We can become.

It is good, but it also gets better!

Char Brown 40 year old Type 1 Female Mom of 2 Wife of my best friend Venus babe


Recently after Char achieved her goal she wrote with a picture of her own shadow at the beach:


Char has an amazing spirit of determination, perseverance, and a passion for fitness, health, and helping others.  You can find Char on instagram where she wants to share her message and help others.



Listen to char tell her story now, or download the podcast for later:

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A fitness trainer at age 50? This Venus CAN! (Meet Sandra)


Sandra placed in our last Venus Transformation Contest.

She thought she was doomed to middle aged hormones as age 50 approached, but with Venus she learned this was simply a myth.  Here’s what she said about her transformation pictures:

The 1st photo is from February 2015 and the 2nd is November 2015. 9 months, 35 pounds and over 3′ (that’s a yardstick) of inches! Am I proud of allowing myself to get in the previous state? No, I’m not! BUT, I am proud of the fact that I made a change! And it’s a change for life…thanks to Venus!

This journey re-stirred a passion of fitness for me and I re-certified to be a personal trainer. If you would like to lose some weight and/or gain some muscle mass, I will definitely help you achieve your goals!



If I was looking for a trainer I would certainly want Sandra!  She has a lot to say about the Venus program:


I, like a lot of women, had succumbed to the mindset of…I’m getting older, I have health issues, my metabolism stinks, I’m starting menopause, blah, blah, blah. I had given up and given in to all these excuses. I had had my first knee surgery in 2008, 2nd one in 2009, and the 3rd one in 2011. All of which I gained a few pounds during recovery. In 2012, I went to a neurologist for chronic back pain resulting from an injury in 2010.

All the testing he did came back with a result of a high positive FANA, which has to do with your auto immune system. After 2 years, multiple doctors and every test known to man, no one could find anything wrong. But I knew from the “swelling” in my face and body, that something was wrong.

Little did I know, or more so, did I want to admit, was that “swelling” was called FAT and that’s what I had become!

My wake up call came in February of this year. We had visited some family in Maryland, and of course everyone was taking pictures. My cousin posted a picture on Facebook, and when I saw it, my jaw dropped.

THAT wasn’t me!

But the sad fact of the matter, it WAS me, and it was totally not acceptable any more.

Within a week, I went to a gym nearby me and got a membership along with a personal trainer. Soon after that, I was surfing the internet one evening and “stumbled” upon this program called Venus. (I say “stumbled” because I believe everything happens for a reason when it’s supposed to happen.)

Hmmm…$47. I had already spent hundreds if not thousands on HcG, NutriSystem, Hydroxycut, Phentermine, personal training, a myriad of other OTC weight loss products, and other STUFF. What did I have to lose? Some weight?

Okay, I’m in. I started Venus at the end of March. When I would meet with my personal trainer, I would tell him, let’s do THIS workout. So over the course of the next several months, I was eating at deficit, doing intermittent fasting and doing Venus workouts!

The weight and inches started coming off! I was ecstatic! I was no longer experiencing back pain which was HUGE to me! I had thought of doing VT14 but ended up just shadowing it. About this time I had a revelation.

In 2008, I had studied and became a personal trainer. However, the economy wasn’t good at that time, so it was a short-lived career. But working out again stirred that old feeling in me of helping others accomplish their goals.

I talked with my gym about being a personal trainer and they immediately said yes. They were seeing me transform in front of their eyes. So I re-certified in the summer and started training at the beginning of November.

I was once again doing something that I LOVED, and that was helping others achieve their goals! Why have I told you MY story?

Because I know if I’m going through it, there has to be one other person that is going through the same thing. And maybe, just maybe, I can help one person.

What has Venus done for me?

It has EMPOWERED me!!!

I am so fortunate to have found Venus! It has saved my life!

The women I have met on this journey are phenomenal! Roberta Saum is the BOSS! She always provides her selfless time and knowledge to all of us.

Even though I have never met any of you, the friendships I have made are insurmountable! The support of all the women I have met through Venus is beyond words. And the tools that I have obtained…are PRICELESS!

I now KNOW, at the very young age of 50, that I will NEVER be overweight again!

I still have goals that I want for myself and I know that Venus will help me get there! At 50, I AM the BEST I have ever been and I can’t wait to see what else I can do!

Thank you John Barban for creating Venus!




Listen to Sandra talk about her story now, or download the podcast for later:

How to overcome hypermobility and still become VENUS (Meet Kittery)

"Thank you Venus, thank you to the Brad’s, thank you Coach Roberta, thank you to all of my Venus Sisters, and last, but certainly not least, thank you to my amazing husband for helping me become the person that can finally look in a mirror and say, I am proud of the way I look!"

“Thank you Venus, thank you to the Brad’s, thank you Coach Roberta, thank you to all of my Venus Sisters, and last, but certainly not least, thank you to my amazing husband for helping me become the person that can finally look in a mirror and say, I am proud of the way I look!”


Kittery has an amazing story of overcoming an unusual health adversity.  She did not let it stop her!

Here’s what she said in her own words:

24 months ago, I made a choice. It was an easy choice to make, but one that hasn’t always been easy to stick to. The choice I made was to NOT be the usual frumpy grandma.

At my heaviest I weighed in at 214, and was absolutely disgusted with how I looked, but all the cardio and weightlifting I was doing wasn’t getting me hardly anywhere.

I lost about 15 pounds, but couldn’t seem to go any further. I had very little energy and figured that I was as far as I was going to get.

Then my husband found Venus for me.

This program has truly changed my life. The support through the community is amazing. Because of a relatively rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – Hypermobility Type, I can not really lift weights, so I do all of the exercises with nothing more than 2-3 pound weights and bodyweight, and I have still lost a grand total of 50 pounds through the Venus Index program and I am certainly not a frumpy looking grandma!

One of the great things about Venus is that it makes sense. Eat less, move more.

That was where I had a challenge; eating less didn’t seem right with all of the previous “training” that all of us have been taught. However, if you follow the Undulating Protocol, the weight comes off!

Thank you Venus, thank you to the Brad’s, thank you Coach Roberta, thank you to all of my Venus Sisters, and last, but certainly not least, thank you to my amazing husband for helping me become the person that can finally look in a mirror and say, I am proud of the way I look!




Kittery has an amazing story about this picture and the chair.  She tells all in her podcast.  She is a pretty AMAZING lady.

Kittery has an amazing story about this picture and the chair. She tells all in her podcast. She is a pretty AMAZING lady.



Listen to her amazing story now or download the podcast for later:



The Empowerment of the Venus Contest (meet Andrea). VT16 STARTS TODAY!


The Venus Contest VT16 starts TODAY!

What better way to start a contest than with a story of our beautiful Venus Andrea who DID NOT THINK SHE WOULD PLACE in the contest and did!   She did place in the contest!

See that’s what happens. Your mind doesn’t always “get” your progress.  That’s when a coach helps and Andrea gets to tell the story about how Venus coaching helped her.

Here’s Andrea’s story in her own words:


My experience with Venus has been amazing.

From the nutrition and fat loss information, to the workouts, to the fabulous community of supportive and genuine women, Venus has been the answer I’ve been looking for to finally achieving my fitness goals.

I don’t really feel as though the contest signifies the end of a “diet” for me – since tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, I’ll still be eating the same way. It’s become such a habit for me to look at food and eating in this way, I can’t imagine doing anything differently just because the contest has ended.

I’ve really come to appreciate that when I say “yes” to something (dessert, snacks, sugar, empty calories), I’m also saying “no” to something else (feeling confident about how I look, easily pulling on a pair of pants). That makes it a lot easier to feel good about choosing not to indulge, rather than feeling deprived – it’s a conscious choice, not a sacrifice. And I’ve come to realize just how much the mental toll of poor eating choices was really weighing me down.

Whenever I was presented with an opportunity to eat something that I knew wouldn’t help my fitness and health goals, I’d feel helpless and unable to just say, “No, thanks.”

Total avoidance was my only strategy, and sometimes that just wasn’t possible. So I’d indulge, then feel guilty the minute I did, because I knew that choice was working against my goals. It was a vicious cycle that I had no idea how to break.

But Venus helped me to do just that.

I was completely amazed at how often that guilt was there in the back of my mind, which I only really realized when all of a sudden, it wasn’t anymore. By learning how to plan for bigger events and using tools to “save the day” for those times when temptation got the better of my well-laid plans, I discovered how to not feel guilty about what I’m eating. That is a huge shift for me, and a huge relief.

One of my biggest complaints with the fitness industry as a whole is the emphasis on exercise and working out as the key to losing weight. I’ve had a gym membership for my whole adult life, and not until I learned more about the importance of food choices did I start to see a change in my physique.

Not that exercise isn’t important, but Venus has really helped me to understand that it’s just not possible to out-train a bad diet. And now that I’ve lost some of the extra fat I was carrying, I’m excited to continue the Venus workouts and develop some of those muscles!

After trying more dieting approaches than I care to count, I’m excited that I’ve found a plan that works and that I can be successful at for the long term – while still living (and enjoying!) my life.



CONTEST:  VT16:   Start January 11 – End April 11

It’s easy to join.  Any Venus customer can join at any time.

You can enter both your before and after pictures any time between January 11th and April 11th, but you will want to TAKE your before pictures as soon as you can after the 11th (with the current newspaper).

Make sure to read and follow the instructions:

Venus Contest Rules and Regulations

Once you get your pictures and measurements simply go to the contest form and enter them.

Email me roberta.saum@gmail.com if you have any questions or need any help.

Have fun!

Never Settle

Never Give Up

Live Your Dream

-Coach Roberta


PS: If you want Venus one-on-one coaching you can get it here.  Yes, you are allowed to pick which coach you want!



Andrea did a fabulous job!

To listen to her story about how she became EMPOWERED by Venus and Venus coaching.

Listen to the podcast now or download it for later:

The next Venus Transformation Contest VT16 STARTS January 11th



The 2016 Venus Transformation Contest Schedule:

  • VT16:   Start January 11 – End April 11

  • VT17:   Start May 2 – End August 1

  • VT18:   Start August 22 – End November 21


It’s easy to join.  Any Venus customer can join at any time.

You can enter both your before and after pictures any time between January 11th and April 11th, but you will want to TAKE your before pictures as soon as you can after the 11th (with the current newspaper).

Make sure to read and follow the instructions:

Venus Contest Rules and Regulations

Once you get your pictures and measurements simply go to the contest form and enter them

— BUT NOT BEFORE January 11th because it won’t work until then!

Email me roberta.saum@gmail.com if you have any questions or need any help.

Have fun!

Never Settle

Never Give Up

Live Your Dream

-Coach Roberta

If you don’t like where you’re at then change it, says 1st place winner Danell

FRAME-Danelle BnA If you don't like where you are then change it

Danell placed 1st in our last Venus Index Transformation Contest.

She decided she didn’t like where she was at, so she changed it!  Here is what else she had to say in her own words:

My experience with the Venus Factor System: Venus is definitely unlike ANY other weight loss system I have tried. I found this to be life changing. I never imagined I could lose weight and change my body shape so effectively.

In fact, after roller coaster dieting for the past 20 years, I was about to just accept my out of shape, over weight frame. So Venus was my “last ditch effort”.

I have learned that I CAN change my lifestyle and body shape without giving up anything that I love. I still eat the foods I love but now I know how to incorporate ALL the foods into my life without it having to show negatively on my body.

I LOVE working out now. Venus is simply a recipe to follow and if followed WILL result in the shape that most women think they can never have.

But anyone who puts in the work, and follows the recipe will get results. I will be a forever Venus. A Venus for life.

This system works for so many reasons: There are real women here all helping each other in the online community.

All the coaches have gone through the program and faced all the same challenges as the ladies who are on their Venus journeys. They are a wealth of knowledge and support.

The women here are uplifting and strong and so helpful. Everyone loves to see everyone else succeed. It’s a sisterhood here and it’s beautiful.

The workouts are simple but challenging and really fun. Especially when you start to see the changes in body definition.


Nothing is restricted as far as food goes. Venus teaches you how to incorporate everything you love into your diet. It’s because of this that really makes a person able to stick to the weight loss part without feeling deprived.

This is so important because now it turns into a lifestyle. A person can really do this for life. It is sustainable. There are so many tools to use. Like Eat Stop Eat. Maintenance Days. Slim in 7. Final Phase. Access to Coaching. Everything you need is here to help you succeed.

So I started Venus in March 2014. I went through the first 12 weeks. I had lost 12 pounds in those 12 weeks. Then I entered the Sept 2014 contest.

I lost my focus and did not finish. I stopped all my workouts and logging my foods. I gained 19lbs in 7 months!

Since I knew Venus was something that truly worked for me, I decided to get my head on straight and go back. I restarted Venus April 20 2015. I followed the 12 week program and every workout.

I found Roberta online and Jonda Lowe. Jonda was in the current contest at the time and I watched her succeed. I new I could do it too. I took all the advice I could get from those ladies and applied them to myself.

There would be NO EXCUSES, only work. In those 12 weeks my weight moved very slow.

It was hard.

I lost 9 pounds but Roberta kept telling me to trust the process and enjoy the journey. Her daily posts kept me on track and motivated.

When I saw Jonda’s final pics, I was blown away. That put such a fire under me! I wanted that too! I can do it too!

I lost an additional 7lbs before the next contest start date. So I entered VT15. I took Ro and Jonda’s advice and worked out 5 or 6 days a week. I cleared my work schedule so that I would not miss a workout.

I had to get very creative sometimes in hotel rooms with no fitness room. I ate at least 100 grams of protein a day. I counted and measured everything. I fasted daily.

FRAME-Danelle design pants top Cover

I booked my photo shoot with a professional photographer as soon as I entered the contest. I was INVESTED!

There was no going back, no excuses, just work. And I was enjoying my workouts so much. I was loving the food I was eating. I was able to eat at restaurants and still be on plan.

It was becoming a lifestyle I knew I could live with forever. My husband was so supportive with everything!

By the time I got to my photo shoot, I dropped an additional 15.2 pounds!

That’s a total of 30lbs since restarting Venus in April.

At 156lbs I am at the high end of my Venus weight range (130-158).

I am 3″ away from my ideal waist (26.64) at 29″. And at 42.75, I am under my ideal shoulder (43.11).



Danell did an amazing job!


Danell did an amazing job!  We had a blast talking about her story over the phone.   You can hear the excitement in her voice in the audio interview below.


The 2016 Venus Transformation Contest Schedule:

  • VT16:   Start January 11 – End April 11

  • VT17:   Start May 2 – End August 1

  • VT18:   Start August 22 – End November 21

Venus Contest Rules and Regulations


Listen to Danell’s story now in the link below, or download it for later:

Christine Found a Body She Thought was Impossible

Christine Before and After Venus Side

Christine placed in our recent VT15 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job and her results display the hard work she put in.She lost THREE INCHES off her waist in twelve short weeks!

Christine Before and After Venus Front

Christine before and after this 12 week contest, unbelievable!

One of the things that makes the Venus program very unique is that it can take an average physique to cover model as Christine’s journey highlights.

Here is what Christine had to say in her own words:

I was stuck and needed something to help get me to the next level of fitness. I have always been active but never really focused to get results I really wanted for myself. Honestly, I was afraid to fail not in the workout side of things but in the mental aspect regarding food choices. I have always felt I was mentally soft regarding my control on food but strong in the gym side of programs. If I wanted it I would eat it. I have always been like that but as I have gotten older the body wouldn’t bounce back as easy as before. I knew I needed to challenge myself and prove that I could have control. The only person that could change that was me. I needed a program that I could actually follow and still live my life with my family. Venus was my answer and I am so happy I accidentally feel upon it and decided to work with a coach. Venus and Coach Liss gave me the tools and the rest was up to me. It was game on! I reached my goals and I am so HAPPY I accomplished what I set out to do! I am mentally stronger and physically stronger now! Thanks Venus family!

Christine Before and After Venus Back

Christine before and after 12 weeks of Venus!


Christine wants to start a tradition of sharing playlists, music is a powerful motivator!

Christine wants to start a tradition of sharing playlists, music is a powerful motivator!

Christine’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
Before 129 lb 65.5 in 31 in 41 in 35 in
After 126 lb 65.5 in 28 in 40.5 in 35 in
Deltas -3 lb 0 in -3 in -0.5 in 0 in

Chrstine After Venus Double Bicep

Christine is a beautiful Venus!

Chrstine After Venus Back

Chrstine After Venus Baseball

Listen to Christine’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:

A Gift to My Best Self

Gift to My Best Self

We are inundated this time of year with so much. In the US, the holiday frenzy has been upon us since Halloween, at the end of October. Since then, we’ve struggled to rein in the onslaught of comfort & joy that is ushered in with good eats and drink. Nearly 12 months are gone, and in a week we will welcome 2016. A new year is just around the corner.

Often as a year closes, we realize everything we didn’t get done, didn’t accomplish, wanted to do differently. I have tended in the past, at the end of a year, to wistfully look back at missed opportunities. And every time I have done that, it’s not made me feel any better about those things. In fact, there’s a penchant to scold myself. Basically, I‘d give myself a good mental thrashing.

This year is a little different. Since coming to Venus around the middle of September, I’ve been doing a whole lot of thinking. Yes, I’ve also followed the Venus protocol. I’ve logged onto My Fitness Pal and logged calories every day since I joined. I’ve done the Venus workouts. I’ve increased my barbell weights. I’ve weighed and measured my body weekly. I’ve done the work to watch my body change and shift physically. And, as I said, I’ve also taken the time to think.

A Gift to Myself

Changing the way I eat and exercise has been a gift to myself the likes of which I never expected to find. I’m still in process of losing weight and building muscle, and frankly, I always will be “in process.” But Venus gave me a unique way to look at not only food and exercise, but also myself.

I remember in my first week of Venusing, taking my BEFORE photos was such a terribly painful experience. We read about this all the time, how much people (especially women) cannot stand taking these pictures. And many do not take them. It is just too hard.

In the unforgiving lens of the camera we are faced with seeing, in full detail, everything we have ignored and thus hate about our bodies. We see the cellulite, the stretched skin, the way our fat spills over the waist of our pants and out from under the elastic of our bras. We see the puffiness in our faces. We can’t ignore the way our belly buttons aren’t round. Our double chins mock us. The dimples of fat and the soft muscles beneath shame and anger us.

Taking those photos put me in a foul temper for about 2 days. The day I took them, I was close to crying and then just felt stupid for getting so emotional. I got angry and started attacking my house and chasing dust bunnies along the floorboards with the vacuum cleaner. The next day I felt such an overwhelming sense of mortification. I reasoned with myself. “Anea, you’ve already joined Venus. You’re reading the manual. You got the calorie counting app. You figured out you can eat 1000 calories and not pass out. You’re already doing it. Stop.

My Story Is No Different

I read a lot that first week on the Venus forums and blogs. I read again and again how women had wished they had taken BEFORE photos and then afterward wished they’d taken consistent progress photos. Because of that, I’ve made myself take weekly photos. When I reach my goal, I know I will appreciate listening to the voices of those who’ve gone before me.

In the meantime, the photos serve as a guide for what I have done. They help me see the changes I’ve made. They remind me I have everything I need inside of me to do this. I don’t take those pictures because I like looking at myself much more than I did on that first day in September. I take them because it’s important to document my success. And also because I’m learning to be a little more empathetic to who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming.

I look back on those pictures of me, especially those first terribly painful ones, and they tell a story of who I was when I came to Venus. My story is no different than yours. I was miserable with how I looked. I hated how I felt, physically and emotionally. I wanted to change. I found Venus and so I did.

Legacy Work for Our Best Self

Changing our own lives, that is legacy work. It’s what gives you your story. It’s what makes others look at you and say, “Wow! You did that?” And you look at them and nod your head and you say, “Yes. Yes I sure did do that.” When we create a legacy for ourselves, it is important. In the scheme of things it may seem small and insignificant to “just lose weight.” But the impact we have on ourselves, if we take on the entirety of that journey, it affects those around us too.

I’ve read and heard, again and again, how the physical changes women have made to their bodies have freed them from so many mental, physical and emotional chains from which they couldn’t break free before finding Venus. They’ve gained confidence. They understand consistency. They know what they are capable of accomplishing. And when we do that, we give our loved ones our best selves. Because that’s who we uncover in the process of taking control of our physical bodies – our best self.

As I look back on this year, I’m so blessed with this gift I’ve given myself. I’m thankful John Barban did his own legacy work and created a program with which so many women have found a way to uncover their best selves. I hope you’ll join me in using this last week of 2015 to reflect on everything you’ve gained as you’ve embarked on this journey to lose weight.

Merry Christmas, ladies of Venus, and here’s to a 2016 filled with more (and less!) of our best selves.


~ Anea


Donette Lost Over 100 lbs with Patience and Consistency

Donette Heaviest before and after

Donette at one of her heaviest weights before Venus and after, unbelievable!

Donette placed in our recent VT15 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job and her results display the hard work she put in. Her transformation stretches out further than this 12 week period though, she has lost over 100 lbs!

Donette Start of Venus 2014 to Winning VT15
Donette before starting Venus in 2014 and after this 12 week contest, unbelievable!

Here is what Donette had to say in her own words:


No matter how many times you are told something, do we really hear it? How many times have I heard “the scale is just a number?” ” Don’t let the scale get you down” “the number on the scale does not define who you are” Yes I have those sayings up on my computers both at work and at home, on my mirror and my refrigerator. But I never really listened and opened up my mind till now. Let’s rewind 14 years ago when I moved here from Arizona a depressed 270lb single mother of an almost 3 year old. I had once had a membership to Bally’s before I married my first husband, but I was way too embarrassed to go back to that meat market setting, so I joined Curves for women. I did well with Curves, between their diet program and workout machines I dropped 70lbs. For several years I would bounce between 200-230. I couldn’t get below 200 then I would go back up. I tried Medifast, HCG, diet pills, 3 different Curves diet plans, everything would work for a little bit, but then I would put some back on. For my second wedding I was able to get down to 175, then after the wedding I was right back up. March of 2014 I was on Facebook and saw an ad that has changed my life. Do I normally look at ads? Nope, and I have no idea why I that day I chose to watch the full add for Venus Index but it was the best decision I ever made (along with the best $47.00 I have EVER spent!) March to November I did well, I followed the protocol, all my days weren’t perfect but life is a learning process. I wasn’t really interested in the weight lifting. I hated it when I had to in school, me Bally’s experience was horrible so there was no way I was joining a “real” gym. My son and I would do a workout or two per week and that was about it. I was able to drop down to the low 170’s and would go back up to 180. I introduced my sister to Venus in November, she was going to Gold’s and I decided to start going with her @ 5am. We would work the machines 2 days a week and were doing the main Venus program the other 3. dropped down another 10lbs into the 165-170’s. Starting in January this year Gold’s was doing a contest coinciding with Venus, I thought perfect I can do both at the same time! Did well the first 6 weeks then fell apart. I was higher at the end than when I started, and I didn’t even finish VT13. So VT14 came around, again I’m going to do this, made it 8 weeks and crashed and burned. At that point I felt my body was wanting to stay right where it was at and I was done. My only goal at that point was to just finish the contest, which I did. I started this contest balls to the wall staying at my 1000 calorie deficit with maintenance days, working out 2 times a day, then 4 weeks or so in Labor Day hit. I was running my Chihuahua in an AKC Agility trial and at the end of my run: I came down hard on my right leg, jamming my knee and messed up a ligament. Holy Crap! I don’t have time for this, I’m trying to get Fiona to AKC Nationals next year, I’m driving across country with 3 dogs that I have registered in the TDAA Nationals in October. I’m kicking butt and staying on track and all of the sudden it all comes to a screeching halt. Or so I though at first . Turns out this injury that kept me from doing and lower body work besides walking for 4 weeks ws the best thing that could have happened to me. Liss put me in touch with my mind. Yeah I know it sounds kinda weird, but she sent me homework to work on my mind, to change the way I think of myself and to improve my self-confidence. Instead of throwing in the towel, I put up the scale. Instead of giving up on me (like I have done so many times before), I gave to myself. I gave myself the freedom to quit worrying about the wrinkles, the stretch marks, hips, belly and bat wings. Instead I have found the good in them. I realized I need to love myself. Once I started to love myself, so many good things started to happen. Barriers and walls that I had built on my mind started coming down. My self-confidence is rising and I’ve been able to do some of the things I though I could never do. The best thing is that none of them had a thing to do with a scale or what “number” I’m at. Vacation was a blast; my girls ran great with me and even earned placements at the National event. I was able to make great choices travelling for 10 days and maintained the entire time. Even though I had fun with Liss’s band workouts she sent to me to use at the hotel, I realized I LOVE my weight lifting and missed it! After we came back from vacation, I hit another 20+ year goal of climbing the Manitou Incline. I was afraid to try, 1 mile up over 2,000 steps and I can not remember the elevation change. It took us 2 hours, but we did it and I can’t wait to do it again! I also bought my very first “little black dress”. Besides my wedding dress, my husband had never seen me in a dress before. My son rides a dirt bike and my husband and I have ATV’s that we like to ride when we get a chance. All of my ATV pants are what the call OTB or over the boot pants. I would have to buy those because I could not get my calves and pants both into my boots. The beginning of the year I bought a pair of regular pants, the calves fit, but I could not get them zipped. WOOHOO they finally fit, now I’m ready to ride! Yes I’ve had my stumbles along the way and will continue to have more in my journey. Now I have gained the knowledge and I have the tools to move on and get past those struggles to a greater place in my mind. I have the loving support of my husband and son, and a wonderful Venus family. What’s next? No longer are the thoughts of I can’t, because I know I can do anything I put my new healthier mind to. Balloon ride, Whitewater rafting, zipline again this summer, hiking a 14ner in my new boots I earned just this week, they are on my short list. Who knows you just might see me running one of my girls on TV someday 🙂

Donette Heaviest before and after black dress

Donette at one of her heaviest weights before finding Venus and after, WOW!

"All of my ATV pants are what the call OTB or over the boot pants. I would have to buy those because I could not get my calves and pants both into my boots. The beginning of the year I bought a pair of regular pants, the calves fit, but I could not get them zipped. WOOHOO they finally fit, now I'm ready to ride!"

“All of my ATV pants are what the call OTB or over the boot pants. I would have to buy those because I could not get my calves and pants both into my boots. The beginning of the year I bought a pair of regular pants, the calves fit, but I could not get them zipped. WOOHOO they finally fit, now I’m ready to ride!”


Donette’s Metrics

Weight Height Waist Shoulders Hips
Before 165 lb 69 in 31 in 42 in 40 in
After 151 lb 69 in 28.5 in 42 in 38 in
Deltas -14 lb 0 in -2.5 in 0 in -2 in
Donette before and after side 12 weeks

Donette before and after side 12 weeks


Donette before and after - she can run her dogs and hike any mountain!

Donette before and after – she can run her dogs and hike any mountain!

Donette is a beautiful Venus! Nothing can stop her now!

Listen to Donette’s interview with Liss below, or download it for later:
