Archives for April 2012

After Pregnancy, Wins Transformation Contest

Today we bring you an interview with Shannon C who won the latest Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Check out her pictures:


In just 12 weeks you can transform yourself and look like the girls on the magazine covers, the question is will you stop making excuses and finally do it?

A few years back Shannon hated her body and every single picture of herself. Being over 30 and not satisfied with the way she looked and felt about her body, she decided to get back in shape. She started doing roller blading and slowly got into weight training.

This helped her, but not in a way that she could stand in front of a mirror and say “wow”, it just wasn’t anything exceptional. It was one of the previous Venus Index winners Naomi who introduced her to the Venus Index approach. She would listen to the podcasts and hang around for a long time before trying the workouts.

It’s important to say that when she decided to start training with the Venus Index Shannon was pregnant, which many people would be against. Pregnancy itself is a challenge and most women would not want to train and watch their diet on top of it. However, Shannon herself told us that her first pregnancy was a disaster. During her first one she gained a lot of weight, and like she said, she just used it as an excuse to eat whatever she wanted, anytime she wanted without setting any limitations at all. As a result she gained a lot and felt terrible, having all sorts of weird health issues.

She admitted that it was completely ridiculous.

But this time, it was different. She didn’t allow herself to gain so much, felt great the whole way through and even her doctor told her to keep doing what she was doing, because it obviously improved her well-being.

Disclaimer: If you want to train or follow the Venus Index approach while being pregnant, consult your physician first, this is for information purposes only.

This time, for the second pregnancy Shannon followed the Venus Index workout, she would just do fewer sets than in the plan and was slowly lowering the intensity of the workouts towards the end of her pregnancy.

And you can’t really argue with this because like she and her physician both said, this time the pregnancy was healthier and felt way more comfortable. And her doctor was monitoring her the whole time.

And while she ate a bit more then she would normally, she still managed to stay at a reasonable weight.

She walked a lot and lifted weights and even received comments on how beautiful a pregnant woman she was. Pretty drastic difference compared to her first time, when she felt (in her own words) ‘like a whale’.

Obviously guys can’t imagine what it means being pregnant, but she told us that despite the challenges of being pregnant, it still should not be used as a licence to not move around (walking, weight lifting) and eat too much, that’s just plain unhealthy and it will be tougher for your to get in shape afterwards.

This time Shannon had more of a plan. She would even use Facebook and follow other pregnant athletes to keep motivated and inspired. Another technique she used was visualizing her post-pregnancy time.

She reveals more of her approach in the interview.

Shannon’s Challenges, Well…Apart from Being Pregnant

Obviously pregnancy is not the easiest and most fun time in the life, but Shannon still decided that she will stay at a reasonable weight and keep fit and it worked, she did gain less weight and was fit and felt “pretty good”.

And once she started nursing, she decided that she will enter the Venus Index competition. Which is exactly what she did and not only that, but she won the whole thing too!

Here are a few of her challenges that Shannon talks about in the interview:

  • Waking up in the middle of night to take care of the baby
  • Making sure that she was walking a lot during the day
  • Nursing and staying in a caloric deficit
  • Not seeing results on a daily basis
  • The weight loss was slowing down towards the end of the contest
  • Having to feed the baby in the middle of the workouts
  • Not being able to set a fixed schedule
  • Having to readjust her expectations
  • Having to take care of her 7 year old daughter too
  • Working around all the variables like job, kids, weight loss, sleep, workouts

And those are just a few of Shannon’s challenges.

No transformation we ever had was without mistakes, errors, challenges and struggles, however Shannon proved that no matter what is happening in your life right now, you can still get in great shape, even though there are other priorities and pressing matters to take care of. And quite frankly doing so will only help you with those challenges.

Like many other Venus Index contestants Shannon used stickers for her calendar to see how many neutral, bad and good days she had. That helped her a lot despite her challenges. It’s about simplicity and it’s pointless to record everything, this simple method will help you keep on track. You can easily see how many workouts you had, when you stayed in a caloric deficit, when you did cardio, and when you overate and didn’t train. And at the end, it all comes down to whether you had more positive days than negative ones.

Remember that nothing is ever perfect.

“They say President Wilson has blundered. Perhaps he has, but I notice he usually blunders forward.”

Thomas Edison

As long as you are moving forward, you are doing great. Don’t beat yourself up, just because it’s slower than you want. Even falling is a movement, as long as it’s forward, you are doing good.

Take home advice from Shannon’s interview:

  • It’s helpful to look at your first before pictures to keep yourself motivated
  • Don’t beat yourself up for having bad or neutral days, that’s normal, nothing is ever perfect
  • Don’t deprive yourself of the foods you like, you can even have a Mocha and cheesecake every day if you want, just make sure you cut the calories on the other stuff and stay in the deficit
  • Some people like suffering and they feel that you absolutely have to make fat loss difficult, but that’s BS, fat loss is simple, it’s just about calories in and out
  • If after pregnancy, a nursing mother of two with a regular job can do this, anyone can
  • It’s possible to travel and maintain your level of fitness
  • Venus Index approach still requires effort, but it isn’t restrictive, it’s rather about directing your effort intelligently
  • The body you will build at the end is worth every drop of your effort
  • Don’t talk about your fitness approach with other girls outside the VI Community, they will not understand or believe you and will try to convince you that what you are doing is wrong
  • Get in the Venus Index Community to be around same minded girls, it’s important to have social support and this is the easiest way to get it
  • Don’t turn your lifestyle constrains into excuses, that’s easy and anyone can do that, be different and figure out a way around them
  • Being in shape will translate into being a better mother, wife and friend
  • It’s okay to let your daughters try the Venus Index workouts and learn healthy exercise habits at an early age

Programs Shannon Used:

  • Reverse Taper Diet – Most fitness diets fail, because they get tougher as you are getting towards the end. Why not reverse it and make dieting easier?
  • Anything Goes Diet (Aka AGD) – The first ever designed diet that’s not giving you a list of forbidden foods and meal plans, eat whatever and whenever you want
  • VI Phase 1 and VI Phase 2– Venus Index workouts focused on building your ideal hourglass shape
  • Venus Index Community – You will not find a more friendlier and supportive women’s community in this industry

Read Shannon’s experience with Venus Index in her own words:

These 12 weeks have been a continuation of a 6 month transformation that I began September 27, 2011, when my son Hunter was born.  I weighed about 185 lbs just before his birth, which was 45 lbs over what I weighed in early 2011 when I found out I was pregnant.  Despite the weight gain, I had a very healthy pregnancy.  I continued to work out with weights right up to the weekend before he was born, I walked, I swam, I barely bought any maternity clothes, I even wore a bikini all summer!  The blood pressure and swelling issues I experienced during my first pregnancy 7 years ago did not resurface…

Click here to read the rest of the story

Listen to the interview here:

Numbers Don’t Lie…Or Do They?

When I was a strength and conditioning coach for a girls hockey team one of the girls called me very concerned because her blood work came back saying she had high cholesterol. This didn’t make any sense to me as she was a fit 21 year old athletic girl. Her first questions for me were about diet and exercise and what she needed to do to get her cholesterol back into a healthy range. My first question back to her was to ask how long she had fasted before she went for her blood test.

How do you know if your 'numbers' are right or wrong?

As it turned out she simply had her blood taken too soon after eating and as a result her cholesterol seemed high. She went back for another test after the proper fasting length (minimum of 12 hours) and her cholesterol was fine…problem solved.

The moral of the story is that a number or a measurement is only as useful as the accuracy and precision of the device or method of measurement.

In other words a crappy scale isn’t going to give you an accurate bodyweight. Getting blood work done without fasting beforehand is going to give you all kinds of wonky numbers and make fit young athletes think they have high cholesterol. Metabolic rate estimators will make you think you can eat more food than you really can, and cardio machine calorie counters will make you think you’ve burned more calories than you really did.

When your reality doesn’t add up to what these numbers are saying most people will assume they’ve done something wrong, instead of assuming the machine or measurement is wrong (just like our athlete in the above example).

If you want accurate information about your body then you have to use the best and most accurate measurement tools, and use them correctly.

Anything less will likely give you the wrong numbers and start you down a path of anxiety and worry over nothing.



The Cascading Elements of Change – Indirect versus Direct Effects

I posted something interesting on my Facebook wall yesterday. It’s something I noticed… and kind of wondered if it would happen if I made a very special change in my life. It goes like this:

Sometimes, the best results you get from a change you make are very indirect… almost correlational. For instance, you’d think me quitting drinking would affect my body and shape (which it has), yet it’s hard to dismiss the fact that revenues have more than doubled since then.

MORAL: Your indirect benefits of change are likely MUCH more valuable to you than the direct ones. Give that some thought…

New Paradigm Ahead

Most times, the indirect benefits of change outweigh the direct ones...

This is an example of an “indirect” effect of a change. Obviously, the “direct” effect was on my personal productivity coupled with an increase in self respect.

Listen, it’s no secret that I really enjoy reading, studying, and observing how people interact with each other.

I love the fact that you can “engineer” situations to get certain responses (as an aside, this goes into “controlling the environment that controls you”, which we’ll discuss at another time. Basically, if you can control another persons environment, you can basically “control” them).

And, it’s also no secret that I always gravitate back into diet and fitness related material when people ask me what they can do to make the most profound changes in their lives. The reason?

NOTHING ELSE contributes more direct and indirect changes to your life.

  • increases in core confidence
  • more attention  (both good and bad, I’ll explain next week)
  • better “health”

These often are direct elements.

However, what most people forget are the indirect elements, and how these elements actually can CASCADE.

Let me give you an example from my story above.

  • I stop drinking.
  • I become more productive.
  • Everyone else becomes more productive because I’m generally the bottleneck.
  • We create and test different offers
  • One low offer on the Adonis side does really well
  • Daily transactions increase by a factor of at least 5
  • Which means we’re now helping out at LEAST 5 times as many people on a daily basis
  • Revenues double
  • We invest revenues into more infrastructure
  • This increases client experience
  • Clients now actively refer new people

… I’ll just stop here. It can go on for days.

Ultimately, the cascade looks like this.

I quit drinking ==> we help more people

(okay, let me explain something really quickly. I wasn’t an everyday, get hammered drinker. It was every so often, but maybe 1 out of 10-20 times it would get out of control… which cascades DOWN. I’m sure you can see the pattern, in reverse of what I’ve explained above).

When we discuss the “Attention U” in detail next Wednesday, one of the things we’ll discuss is how once you go beyond average, your mindset has to change. In essence, you’re doing it for yourself, yet it is the most UNSELFISH thing you can do.

Why?  Because as you get in better shape, the cascading “indirect” effects begin to add up.

You begin to make a dent in the world. Sure you’ll have “haters”, but even “haters” are inspired to do SOMETHING about themselves, even if they buckle down and try to do the opposite of what you’re doing.

By pushing yourself to a level that hardly anyone goes to, or anyone is WILLING to do, you become a catalyst for change.

Again, it is actually VERY UNSELFISH to get in great shape.

If you’re a client of ours, I want you to read through the blogs of some of the women who’ve got in killer shape. If you’ll notice, most of the writing has to do with how others are inspired, or how they are helping others… and it’s not necessarily a one-on-one thing.


Looking at it through this lens, you can see how I can make the argument that being in great shape is UNSELFISH, while being in horrible shape is actually SELFISH. Again, we’ll discuss this in detail next week.  Just think about how much more VALUE you can bring to the world when you’re at your best until then.

I hope you can see how this all works. If you have questions about this, just let me know 🙂


Is your Nutra-Neurosis Ruining Your Relationship with Food?

If this is how you view food then you've got some work to do

Forget the old adage ‘sex sells’, in this new age of diet and nutrition it is fear that sells.

Nutrition and eating right is no longer about making the right choice, it’s about the fear of making the wrong choice.

We’ve become stressed and anxious about making food choices. And because we make food choices all day long, this has become a chronic anxiety. Sadly, it is this anxiety that the mainstream media constantly tries to channel.

Tips on how to eat healthy are no longer about eating right, they’ve become a guide to not eating wrong.

You can see it in headlines of most nutrition articles. You never see “Are you doing these 4 things right?”, instead it’s always “Are you making these 4 mistakes?”, or “Are these 4 mistakes sabotaging your weight loss?”

I am the author of a best selling e-book on the benefits of intermittent fasting (Eat Stop Eat). The majority of the concerns people have over intermittent fasting isn’t whether or not it will work, it’s whether or not it’s considered ‘doing something wrong’.

We’ve become paranoid about health and nutrition, about cancer, about hormones in or food, in how our food affects our leptin, or insulin, or testosterone. We are afraid of our food and our food decisions. And this fear is exhausting.

Oddly enough, it is this fear, worry and anxiety that actually drives us to over eat.

There is mounting evidence to suggest that our nutra-neurosis (yes, I made that term up) is contributing to our weight gain and our fractured view of healthy eating.

In other words our attempt at a cure may be worse than the poison.

Our anxiety and stress leads to us attempting to gain control or at least grasp at it. And more often than not control means lists and charts. Specifically, it means lists of good foods and bad foods.

In research we call this ‘restrained eating’.

Restrained eating is when you consciously avoid certain foods or food groups. Right away I should note that this is different from simple caloric restriction. In fact the two have very little in common.

Caloric Restriction is eating less (of any food); Restraining Eating is labelling some foods as ‘forbidden’ or ‘bad’

Restrained eating is associated with increased stress and anxiety over the foods you choose to eat. Surprisingly it is also an incredibly effective method for short-term weight loss.

Unfortunately, research also indicates that the more foods you designate as bad or forbidden (or the more restrained you are) the more likely you are to crack, crash and binge after eating one of those foods.

Setting up an extensive list of forbidden foods may be a way to find short-term weight loss, but it is not a tool for weight maintenance or a satisfying relationship with food. It’s a recipe for increased anxiety, neurosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders and never being truly in control of your eating.

It’s also a great way to watch your weight spiral out of control, despite your almost neurotic attempts to control what you eat.

Instead, you should be striving to eliminate the stress and anxiety from your approach to foods.

Do you have "Nutra-Neurosis"?

Worry and anxiety are not ‘keys’ to weight loss. If anything they are weight gain enablers and diet destroyers. They are also most likely far worse for your health than that bowl of ice cream you are stressing over.

So stress less over doing things wrong and concentrate on doing things right. I know it sounds like I’m playing with words, but your approach and mindset matters.

Try to slowly move away from the idea of forbidden food lists and instead think of foods you eat more often, less often, and very infrequently.

This way all foods have their place, none are ‘bad’, and you can enjoy them without guilt.

The truth is weight loss and eating healthy will never be some mind-blowing genius nutrition trick. It will always be a matter of clearing out the clutter of competing ideas and focusing on the one thing that truly makes a difference – The amount you eat.

Eating properly does take an understanding of when you like to eat and what you like to eat, but just as important is the patience to wait for these opportunities to occur.

And really, just a little patience – a slight pause – is all most of us need to realize “I don’t need this”, or “I can wait until dinner” or even “I can wait until tomorrow – I’ve had enough today”.

Do not deny yourself the foods you love. Just learn when to eat them and how much to eat.  And please remember – weight loss and eating healthy doesn’t have to hurt.

The goal should not be to suffer for your dietary indiscretions. The goal should be to have the body you want while still eating the foods you want.  Because the stress and anxiety is almost always worse than the food you are craving.

The goal is to make other people think you are getting way with murder.  To be the person who can ‘eat whatever they want and still lose weight’? Go ahead be the one they gossip about when you’re not around.

Ditch the neurosis and stress. Stop letting food decisions be a source of exhaustion.

Lose weight and have a croissant? You betcha. You can do it.



VT4 Contest Winners Announced

The forth Venus Index contest is complete and it’s time to announce the winners.

This time we have three divisions – the transformation,Open Level 1, and for the first time Open Level 2. Anyone who placed in our previous open contests was eligible for the level 2 contest.

As always, you must use the Venus Index Workout or any of the next phases of VI Systems.

Now on to the VT4 Winners. we’ll start with the Transformation Category.

VT4 Venus Index Transformation Contest Category

Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 1st Place Winner: Shannon

 Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 2nd Place Winner: Iona

 Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 3rd Place Winner: Terry

Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 4th Place Winner: Jannette

Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 5th Place Winner: Kori

Venus Index Transformation Contest VT4 6th Place Winner:Judy

VT4 Venus Index Open Level 1 Contest Category

 Venus Index Open Level 1 Contest VT4 1st Place Winner: Rhonda

Venus Index Open Contest Level 1 VT4 2nd Place Winner: Alicia

Venus Index Open Contest Level 1 VT4 3rd Place Winner: Olya

Venus Index Open Contest Level 1 VT4 4th Place Winner: Elisa

Venus Index Open Contest Level 1 VT4 5th Place Winner: Heidi

Venus Index Open Contest Level 1 VT4 6th Place Winner: Carla

VT4 Venus Index Open Level 2 Contest Category

 Venus Index Open Contest Level 2 VT4 1st Place Winner: Roberta Saum

 Venus Index Open Contest Level 2 VT4 2nd Place Winner: Kris West

 Venus Index Open Contest Level 2 VT4 3rd Place Winner: Naomi Sandoval

Congratulations to all the winners. These contests are getting harder and harder to judge as everyone is making such great progress and getting into great shape.

I also want to say congratulations to all that entered. Making it to the end of a transformation is a big deal and regardless if you placed in the contest or not, you all should be proud of the changes you’ve made.

Don’t forget that interviews with the winners will start up soon, so you’ll be able to discover the lifestyle tips, tricks, and tweaks that each person used to get in fabulous shape.

In the following weeks you’ll get updates with information about the upcoming contest.


p.s. Not a VI client? No problem, just go here and get access.

DEXA Results Part 2…Season 1 Finale

About 5 weeks ago Brad and I did a DEXA scan to see what our body composition was. We reviewed the results on a previous podcast. After that measurement we decided to use the reverse taper diet protocol to accomplish two things:

1. Reduce fat mass

2. Maintain or gain lean body mass

I managed to reduce my body fat by a full albs and drop me body fat % from 10.6 to 9.6 over that 5 week period. My lean body mass stayed exactly the same so I essentially dropped into single digit body fat without losing any lean mass.

Brad managed to drop about 1 lbs of fat and went from 12.3% body fat to 11.6% body fat and even more impressively he gained 3lbs of lean body mass and 2lbs of overall bodyweight…BUT even more impressively Brad set a goal of gaining that lean body mass specifically in his back muscles and the DEXA scan confirms this is exactly what happened. In fact every single pound of lean mass gain was shown to be from back muscle development.

Brads Comparions Pix

Brad’s 5 week comparison going from 12.3% to 11.6% Bodyfat and gaining 3lbs of lean mass

Johns Comparison Pix

I went from 10.6% to 9.6% body fat, lost 2lbs of fat, lean mass stayed the same

This podcast marks the end of season 1 of the uncensored podcasts. We are taking a month break between season 1 and season 2.

Season 2 will follow a new format that will see the podcasts change to a bi-weekly format (2 per month) that follow a monthly theme. Each month will be a different theme (ie: fat burning, muscle building, supplements etc). Podcast 1 will start the discussion and there will be interactive material for you to follow along and implement what you’ve heard in the podcast. Podcast 2 will continue the theme and build from the material. The goal is for you to learn and master a new skill each month. By the end of season two if you choose to go through each month you will have learned and mastered 12 new techniques to add to your diet/fitness/exercise tool belt. Stay tuned for more information.


Special thanks to Salima and Sarah and the Bone Wellness Centre for helping us with our scans and interpreting our data. If you’re in the southern Ontario area and want to get a DEXA scan done they are the only gig in town. They’re top notch service providers, super nice, and will give any of our customers a discount on their DEXA scan if you just mention our names when you make your appointment.

Sitting on the DEXA chatting with the girls at the Bone Wellness Centre

A special note about getting a scan done with Salima and Sarah. If you go to the Bone Wellness Centre for a DEXA scan they will give you a discount and we ask that you share your data with Brad and I for our ongoing development of diet and workout programs. I’m going to the clinic tomorrow to teach Salima and Sarah how to collect the Adonis Index measurements. This way we can correlate a picture, with AI measurements as well as the DEXA results to get a true indication of what makes up the AI shape. This is a win win as you get a discount on your DEXA and your information will help us make better programs for you.

If you’re interested in getting a scan go to their website at: Bone Wellness Centre


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For more information as well as how to get access to Venus UNCENSORED, click the link below:


Venus UNCENSORED Premium Podcast


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Cardio: Yay or Nay?

“Cardio” You’ve heard the word a thousand times but do you really know what it even means? It’s likely that you have your own definition for what it means.

Cardio is a fitness industry derived short form for “Cardiovascular Exercise”

Just about any activity you do that increases your heart rate beyond resting can be considered cardiovascular exercise.

From a scientific standpoint cardiovascular exercise is characterized by various adaptations that take place in your body such as:

Increase stroke volume (the amount of blood the heart can push with each pump)

How much ‘cardio’ will you do?

Decreased resting blood pressure

Decreased resting heart rate (heart needs to beat less often because it can push more blood per beat as per increased stroke volume)

Increase capillary density (more of the tiny blood vessels that feed various target tissues)

Increase efficiency at delivering oxygen to target issues via increased capillary density

Increased exercise endurance (as per all above effects)

Increase red blood cell count

Helps many people reduce systemic stress

Lowers bad cholesterol

Increases good cholesterol

Increased insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake

And there are likely others that have slipped my mind…but you get the idea. Cardiovascular exercise is definitely beneficial for your overall health. You may have noticed that “fat burning” isn’t on this list…and that is because cardiovascular exercise alone cannot cause fat burning unless it’s combined with caloric control.

Yes it’s true that all forms of exercise burn more calories compared to sitting around doing nothing…but the amount of calories they burn is typically much less than most people think. And this is the bigger issue that most people are concerned with when it comes to ‘cardio’. Most people don’t give a s#!t about all the above mentioned health benefits of cardio…what they really want is to get lean.

In todays podcast we’ll discuss how important cardio really is for getting lean and how to approach it and incorporate it into your workout.



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