Looking Good At 50 and Beyond – Lorie’s Story

During the phase of life when many women struggle with their weight and body image or just decide to let “nature take its course”, Lorie took a look in the mirror and decided that there was no reason she should settle for anything less than the best for herself. Inspired by all the changes she saw her own daughter make using the Venus program, Lorie decided to start working out with her so that she could learn for herself how to change her lifestyle and fitness for the better. What happened as a result? Lorie lost an amazing 24 pounds in just 12 weeks and she ended up placing in our recent VT11 contest. Here are her before and after pictures:


In her own words, this 50 year old mom and grandmother told us, “I babysit for my 2 year old grand baby while my daughter goes to work. In that 2 years I have enjoyed eating way too many snacks, cokes and just about whatever I wanted. I did not go too many places, so I just wore my sweats all day and the weight has just crept up on me. I really was feeling depressed, and it was harder to run and play with my grand baby. I decided to do something about It. I joined the Venus contest, and now 12 weeks and 24 pounds later I am seeing muscles I thought were gone forever.”

lorie_after 1During her transformation process, Lorie learned how to change her eating habits and the way she thinks about food and snacks. She also learned that she actually enjoys working out at the gym and seeing the changes in her body and feeling the improvements in her strength and overall fitness. Now Lorie has committed herself to the process of ongoing and lifelong change. Pleased with her results, but not willing to backslide or ever give up, Lorie told us that she plans to keep applying all that she has learned so far and to keep working on her habits, lifestyle choices and fitness level.

Lorie has figured out what so many people never realize – that having a fit, strong and beautiful body is a lifelong “project” worth pursuing for the many riches it brings. I so enjoyed spending time talking with this wise and engaging woman who has so much to offer and share and we are so proud she chose to share her journey with us!

– Coach Lita


Listen to our conversation with Lorie here:

Tiffany Found New Life When She Found Venus

Recently, I had the honor to spend some time talking with Tiffany who placed 3rd in our recent VT11 Venus Transformation Contest. Here are her amazing before and after photos:

Tiffany_BnA_Back Tiffany_BnA_FrontTiffany_BnA_Side

photo (1)

Although Tiffany made incredible progress in just 12 weeks, like many of our beautiful Venus success stories, her overall process spanned many months and continues to this day as she works on maintaining her new body and settling into a new lifestyle that includes activities she never thought possible.

Faced With Adversity, Tiffany Fought Back!

You see, Tiffany started her journey back in early 2014 when debilitating joint pain sent her to her doctor looking for answers. Tiffany was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and under instructions from her physician, she went looking for a program to help her shed some unwanted weight and improve her overall fitness. That is when she found Venus and never looked back.photo

Tiffany is not only a fighter – she’s a survivor. Facing crippling pain and a body that seemed to be crying for her to just give up, Tiffany refused to be defeated. Determined to improve her health, she made a plan of attack and fought her way through two 12 week rounds of the Venus protocol to get to her final results. Tiffany never made excuses and she never gave up!

Here is a picture of Tiffany’s complete “before and after” transformation. In just 6 short months of hard work, Tiffany went from being terrified of wearing a bikini to Bombshell Beautiful!

Stronger Than Ever Before…

Now over a year later, this busy working wife and mom of three active kids enjoys a lifestyle she never dreamed of leading before. Tiffany gave herself the gift of self love by fighting for her life and she got much more than an amazing physical transformation in return. She got her life back and she has a new found self confidence that can only be forged in the fires of change.

Tiffany_Lifestyle2_Collage (3)

Not only is Tiffany no longer afraid to wear a bikini in public, she bravely puts herself out there in other ways, too. An inspiration to all around her, Tiffany’s positive drive and determination has brought her family closer together and they now enjoy endurance training, weight lifting and hiking together. Tiffany even volunteered to coach for her daughter’s school basketball team! Clearly, she is perfect for the job because at the game of life, Tiffany is a winner.

-Coach Lita

Listen to our very special podcast interview with Tiffany here:


Elizabeth Found Her Perfect Fit With Venus

This picture says it all.

Elizabeth had struggled with her weight for so long that she wondered if it was even possible to be happy in her own skin.  Determined to be a positive role model for her daughter she had tried other diets and fitness programs, but didn’t find her perfect fit until she stumbled on a Venus ad.  Within weeks her clothes were looser and she was on her way.



“I am 38 years old and I never thought I could ever be slim. I have struggled with my weight all my life. One of my childhood memories is of a boy saying that I looked like I was pregnant. In the last 2 years my weight seemed to balloon up and I could no longer fit into 90% of my clothes. I was very discouraged but also not hopeful since I had tried SO many diets and fitness programs. Some of these helped somewhat, but they were so restrictive they did not fit into my lifestyle. Others were very structured but even though I put in so much effort, I did not see any significant results. I had my thyroid issues corrected, but my weight problem still did not change, as I expected it would. My 6 year old daughter made the comment that, “Mommy is a little bit chubby”. That really upset me, because I want to be a positive role model for her. I wanted to overcome this issue in my life so that hopefully she will not struggle with negative body image and weight issues. But I did not know how to lose the weight unless I starved myself. It was only a few weeks later that I came across a Venus Factor advertisement online. I felt like it was an answer to prayer! I immediately started to lose weight with Venus in April 2014. In less than a week my clothes started to feel looser. I found many tools for losing weight that I can use according my needs and my social calendar. This is what I love most about Venus: it is 100% flexible. I live in Asia, where the constant social events are all about food, and to not eat is culturally offensive. In the past I did not know how to navigate this. Now I participate in eating with everyone and I am still losing weight. The concept of budgeting my calories makes a lot of sense to me. I budget my money – why wouldn’t I count and budget my calories as well? When I started the VT12 Contest, I had a pair of size 12 grey jeans that were way too tight for me. I could not even do up the button. Now, just 12 weeks later, those jeans are too big for me and I need to replace them with a smaller size. I am so happy. For the first time in YEARS I feel comfortable and confident in my own skin. I am so, so thankful for the Venus program and what it has done for me.”


You can listen to Elizabeth’s story here:




How Leann became victorious in the hunger games of life.

I also enjoy YA dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.  

I also enjoy Young Adult Dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.


Leann placed 1st in our VT11 Venus Transformation Contest


Here’s what Leann has to say in her own words:

I found Venus Factor through MFP in January 2014.  I’d joined a biggest loser competition at work because I was fed up with my post-pregnancy body.  I had just stopped nursing my five-month old and knew I could no longer use that as an excuse to overeat.

During my first twelve weeks on Venus, I just focused on getting my eating under control and sticking to the 12 week eating protocol. I did some cardio but not a ton, and I ended up winning that biggest loser contest.  VT11 was the start of my second 12 week transformation.  I started the lifting program to see better results.

Venus Factor is not just some diet.  It has been a lifestyle change, for it has provided me with the right tools, skills, and mindset to manage my eating habits and get into the best health and shape of my life.  Portion control, calorie budgeting, and lifting heavy are key.  Flexibility and freedom to choose what and when you eat reigns.  Finding balance in what you eat—and in life—is imperative.  The online community is so supportive.

Being a librarian, I recognize and appreciate VF’s vast collection of resources.  I also enjoy Young Adult Dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.


-Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.

Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.


Leann loves the online community

You can find Leann active in the community and read her blog.

The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups!  And now I really have a reason to go to Australia!  It’s neat to have friends all around the world.

The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups! And now I really have a reason to go to Australia!
It’s neat to have friends all around the world.



Here is more about Leann:

How did you find the Venus Factor?

Through My Fitness Pal (MFP). I had joined a Biggest Loser contest at work back in January. I had stopped nursing with the new year and knew I could no longer use that as an excuse to overeat. Someone had told me about MFP, so while exploring it one night I saw an ad for Venus Factor. I watched the presentation, it seemed to make a lot of sense and was a reasonable price. I purchased it that night, and man was it the best money I’ve ever spent!

What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

It’s so hard to pinpoint because everything together is so empowering. The common sense theory, science, and info in the manual + 12 week undulating metabolic override plan + workout program and videos + online community + podcasts + overall flexibility and freedom of the program = empowerment like no other!!!

Back in January, I was recovering from a broken elbow. I had done some of the 30 day shred prior to VF and found that planks were too much for my elbow. So I think that aggravation to my elbow is part of what kept me from starting the VF lifting workouts back in January. But I stuck with the 12 week eating protocol and ended up winning the biggest loser contest – 20 lbs in a little over 2 months! I followed the 12 week eating protocol during VT11, too, and lost nearly another 20 pounds.

Did you like the Venus workout?

Absolutely. I loved not having to kill myself with cardio. The variety in each day’s workout is great because it keeps me from getting bored and stuck in a rut.

The flexibility of the program is wonderful, as well. I work out at home, in our attached garage. I try to get up before my girls to work out, but my youngest is equipped with a great mommy detector. Inevitably she’ll wake up within 30 minutes of me. The first couple weeks this summer I brought her (in either her highchair or walker) into the garage with me while I tried to finish my workout. But I’d have to fix her breakfast, change diapers, deal with my older daughter when she woke up, fix her breakfast, and the interruption list could go on and on. So I learned a few things:

– If my workouts get interrupted, I just pick back up and finish it later (whether later that day or the next)

– Workout whenever it’s convenient for you. Split them up if you have to. I work out all times of the day: early mornings, ongoing throughout the day in between chores, during my girls’ naps, and sometimes at night after they go to sleep.

– If possible, bring your workouts inside to the kids vs bringing your kids outside to the workout. It was so much easier to let my girls comfortably roam inside the house with me doing most of the exercises inside, too. Kitchen appliances (mine are black) serve as great mirrors!

– Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.

Which workout(s) did you use?

VF Workout (weeks 1 – 7) plus the Slim in 7 circuits.

What kept you motivated?

The contest. Seeing it through to the end and whether I could place or not. I also booked a photo shoot—that was a big motivator, too.

But outside the contest, my motivation is the feeling of being comfortable in my clothes, and knowing that I’m healthy and in shape. I want to be a good role model for my daughters, nieces, and any other females out there, struggling like I was.

Do you have a particular style of eating?

Not really. I try to eat mostly clean, but I do allow myself some processed foods. I focus on meeting my protein goal and try to get plenty of fiber, too. Sometimes I fast through breakfast, sometimes not. Occasionally I fast through lunch, too, but usually end up eating as many calories in the evening as I would throughout the day. I bought a digital scale with my Biggest Loser winnings, and I used it religiously during VT11 to weigh my food.

Did you use the Undulating protocol? If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

Yes, it was great! I think it really was the key to my success. I switch my maintenance (M) days around if needed to fit planned—or unplanned—social events. Most weeks during the contest I kept my days right before and after M clean and low.

Did you use any supplements?

Just a women’s multivitamin.

Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

Yes. I dabbled in the forum threads to begin with and just read through them to learn the ropes. My first blog was on July 1st and at first it seemed kind of weird and selfish. But I got over those feelings and learned that it’s great to both give and get support! The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups! And now I really have a reason to go to Australia! It’s neat to have friends all around the world.

Did you find support with friends and family?

Yes and no. My husband and best friend were very supportive. My husband has always touted a healthy lifestyle and I never really jumped on board with him till Venus. We definitely don’t eat as many casseroles as we used to. I’ve taken over his weights this summer. I don’t know if I would’ve got the workouts in if we didn’t have them here at home.

I brought my best friend with me to my photo shoot—she and the photographer made me feel like a million bucks! She’s been so positive and supportive of me since the beginning. She’s now pregnant and I can’t wait to help her get back in shape after the baby arrives. We frequently talk about health, nutrition, and exercise.

My mom and sisters were concerned, though, about me getting “too skinny”. Especially my mom. But my sisters have both purchased VF since I won, though.

What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

At first, it was tracking my calories. It’s very time consuming—the measuring and/or weighing, looking the foods up in MFP, entering my recipes in MFP—but it’s all well worth it. After awhile you get a good idea of portion sizes. But I know that if I really need to cut, weighing and measuring is key!

After tracking the calories, though, my hardest obstacle is finding—or rather, making—the time to work out.

How did you feel about your final pictures?

Well, it was such an awesome experience! Everyone should do a professional photo shoot at least once, so you can feel like a supermodel! To do it right, though, it takes a lot of prep work: posing, heels, tan, hair, nails, and diet so you’re looking your best. Like Roberta says, though, remember that it’s the weeks of hard work leading up to it that really counts!

Besides that…when my friend and I saw the first glimpses of my pictures, we didn’t see a lot of my muscle definition. But then when I got to preview all of the pictures, it was better and pretty awesome yet overwhelming. I couldn’t believe it was really me! My progress pics at home were definitely no match for ones taken by a professional.

But remember that lighting IS key to catching muscle definition. I actually had pictures taken a second time by my neighbor girl. We used some small lamps to play with the lighting. Her pictures are actually the ones I submitted for the required ones for judging.

Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

Absolutely! The Venus lifestyle will help me get a six pack some day! Aside from that though, I’ve got a long life ahead of me. Venus has empowered me with the mindset and tools to really enjoy life, at a size and shape I’m comfortable with. I am not going to yo-yo like so many others.

What is your best advice for other Venus’s?

  • – “The time for excuses is over.” Yes it will be hard, but it will be worth it. Suck it up and just do it.
  • – Evaluate how VF can fit into your lifestyle, not vice versa. The beauty of VF is in its freedom and flexibility.

Eat the foods you want, just stay within your calories. But eat enough protein!!

Workout anytime of day you want. Many women workout fasted, but I usually didn’t. You can break up your workouts, if needed.

  • – Do the math! Calculate your calories as a weekly budget. If you overeat one day, eat less another.
  • – It’s okay to be hungry. Drink plenty of water.
  • – Life happens and will throw your plans out of whack. Just do the best you can and get back on track when you stumble.

– Contest prep:

  • Book a photo shoot
  • Practice your poses
  • Experiment with lighting


Note:  The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program.  Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.

Leann lost 20 pounds during this 12 week round.


Now, isn't Leann a beautiful Venus?!

Now, isn’t Leann a beautiful Venus?!


You can listen to Leann’s story here:

How about a life in a new and improved body at age 45?

At age 45 Sue has discovered life in a new and improved body!

At age 45 Sue has discovered life in a new and improved body!


Sue placed 10th in our VT11 Venus Transformation Contest


Here’s what Sue has to say in her own words:

I discovered the Venus Factor program in March 2014 and really liked the structure of it and the community.  I weighed 172 pounds and while I’m 5’10” tall, excess weight on me is still fat and looks horrid.  I took some photos at that point (I have included them to show my whole journey), just so I could look back and see where I’d come from.  This would be at least the seventh time that I would have lost over 20 pounds in the last 15 years, so my struggle isn’t so much in losing the weight (I can be dedicated for a period), but in the maintaining and keeping it off.  The addition of getting older (I’m 45) and having recently started HRT were added bonuses in the equation!

The thing that struck a chord in me with Venus was the simplicity in the overriding diet philosophy – I can eat anything I want, provided I am accountable and responsible for it.  And I can bank up my calories for special events.  I LIKE THAT!  It makes the whole thing so much more manageable .. and livable!  I also loved that I didn’t need to plan my own workouts .. just print it out and go do it.  Brain interference = Zero.

From March to May 2014 I followed Venus, although since I do karate at a fairly high level and train regularly, I was more intermittent than structured with the workouts.  I lost about 15 pounds during that time and then decided to enter the contest.  At the same time, I also entered an adventure race, which is trail running, mountain biking and kayaking in the Australian Blue Mountains, outside of Sydney.  I needed to train for this as I hadn’t run or ridden a bike in over 30 years!  I was also training for my first dan black belt grading in karate, which I achieved at the end of June.  So I was getting quite a bit of varied training but all the extra load then caused my knee to start giving me grief. The doctor has since said I have Osteoarthritis in both knees, but I’m working with a physiologist to manage that, as I’m not willing to give up any of my training.

In the middle of the contest period, I got sick.  I tried for a while to control my diet, but my body was just CRAVING carbs.  I would go DAYS where the thought of bread and butter and honey was at the forefront of my mind!  Eventually I gave in.  I also didn’t train in any way for about three or four weeks.  I was disappointed in my lack of progress, given the race and the contest had end dates that were fast approaching.  I made the decision then that I would not be where I wanted to be at the end of the contest, so I would not get a professional photographer.  I would still take the pictures myself AND submit them .. since I committed to myself up front that I would.

Well, race day came and went and it was a blast!  About 17 miles covered and we didn’t stop for over four-and-a-half hours.  I was completed exhausted by the end .. but I did it!  Only one week to go to the end of the Venus contest from there.  I had incorporated two Eat-Stop-Eat style fasts into my week a while ago and since I was under instruction to completely rest my knee (no training in the last week for me) and I had work commitments and meetings that would make the water loading of Slim in 7 problematic, I decided to just eat super-clean, in calorific deficit and do an extra day fasting.  The result was astonishing!  Not only did I make my Venus Index metrics on weight and waist, I went under them!  Unbelievable.  The photos, while very ordinary quality, do show the incredible transformation and I couldn’t be happier with the hard evidence in front of me.  And yes, I am KICKING myself for not going professional for them!

Aside from losing weight using the Venus Factor program, I have learned a couple of other really valuable things from this experience.  During the time I was sick and recovering and also not training, I learned how to relax on the program and how to maintain – which is HUGE for me.  I also learned how much I can change my body in just one week when I want to, and how vital diet is.  I discovered through the Venus community that maintaining a healthy and fit body isn’t the effortless, anything-goes lifestyle that I’ve always assumed .. that healthy, fit people have to actively maintain their bodies and take responsibility for it.  And I’ve found that while I don’t need to count calories (I haven’t for most of the contest period), I DO like to weigh myself every day to keep myself accountable .. and motivated!

Thank you for the Venus program, the incentive of this contest and the incredible community you’ve built.  I am so happy with myself and my journey and with my new starting point .. and I can’t WAIT to see what else I can do with this old bod!


Sue lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks in spite of some setbacks.

Sue lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks in spite of some setbacks.


Sue is active in the online forum

Sue is an energetic, fun, and super supportive member of our community where you can find her often giving an encouraging word to others.

We have a very popular thread in the forum called “The last 10 pounds” because this seems to be a very difficult part of the process and requires much patience.  This is the time where your food intake needs to be almost as precise as a lab experiment.  It requires tremendous discipline and consistency.

Here is a sample of the fun Sue brought to our community right from the start:

Shaeshae, I’m with you .. have just been wandering through the Forum halls and came across this thread of awesomeness!!

Hi guys! I’m down to within my last 10lbs now, which is quite exciting. The whole process has worked REALLY well – dropping 19lbs and 3.5″ off my waist in just over 9 weeks. ESE has REALLY helped me to manage the whole process and it will be an invaluable tool in maintaining things going forward, as will the VF education on how much food really makes up my maintenance level.

I can already see me doing another program targeted at muscle and muscle shape development once I reach my goal of 145lbs (I’m 5’10”) .. and I’m excited about that already!

I have a grading coming up (I do karate) at the end of June and I’m hoping to be selected to attempt for my first dan black belt! I plan to be at or very close to my goal weight by then and already into the strength improvement side of things .. will feel wonderful doing a 4 hour grading and not feeling bogged down with excess weight or lack of strength or fitness. For the first time I look forward to the challenge with only excitement and no underlying feelings of dread or fear!

You guys are awesome, the way you share your experience with newbies like me. And you make us feel like no question is too stupid (even if it might be!). Thanks so much!!

Note:  ESE is the acronym for the book Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.


Sue's before and after data.

This is only a small window of time in Sue’s overall weight loss journey.


Note:  The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program.  Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.


Sue keeps an online blog in our private community

Sue’s blog in the community is named “Life in a new and improved body” and yes, that is exactly what she has found with the Venus Factor!

After just a few months in the community Sue posted a picture in her blog to share some very wise words:

What are the most powerful words in the universe?

The ones you use to talk to yourself.

Talk with love.


Sue is an energetic and helpful personality in our online community.

Sue is an energetic and helpful personality in our online community.


Sue’s favorite supplements

Sue uses a variety of health supplements which she talks about in the podcast.  Among them she likes some of the BioTrust products.  She likes the probiotic and the frosted oatmeal protein cookies.  She has the IC-5 and the AbsorbMax and would like to incorporate those into her regimen soon.


You can listen to her story and words of wisdom here:

Learn how to stay committed and motivated; Interview with Michelle


Isn’t she beautiful?!


One of the things that Michelle said in her interview that also worked for me; Stop looking at the scale and measuring tape and just hit the gym and your calorie budget!  It was actually the first time I’d heard of someone else following the same method I used to protect my psychic space, except she had Jake recording her metrics without her looking at the scale or tape measure!  How clever is that? What an awesome team Jake and Michelle make.  I loved hearing it.  John held up the interview for a moment to give us all a few words about the value of doing just that.

Just focus on the process day after day for weeks on end.  Just do what you need to do, and track it with on a calendar or online tracking tool – track the PROCESS.  If you know you are really doing the process and not eating extra that is not accounted for (diet is usually the hardest part) then it will work.  But you will not get the linear feedback that matches the linear day to day effort.  You have to be patient and wait for the progress.  Watching water boil or grass grow is no fun – do what ever else you need to do while waiting.


Michelle placed First in our VT-9 Transformation contest.


In the end, I am completely shocked by the outcome! I have never been so confident in a bikini in my life! The best part is that without knowing it, not only was I losing fat throughout the program, but I started building muscle and a shape that I have never seen before and didn’t even know I had!

In the end, I am completely shocked by the outcome! I have never been so confident in a bikini in my life! The best part is that without knowing it, not only was I losing fat throughout the program, but I started building muscle and a shape that I have never seen before and didn’t even know I had!


Here is what she has to say in her own words:

My name is Michelle Hahn, and I am 31 years old. I have been self-conscious about my weight since I can remember and never remember feeling comfortable and happy with my size/shape.

 I have been exercising on and off since I was a teenager, and the closest I think I came to comfort with my weight was when I got married 5 and a half years ago. Even then, I remember wishing my stomach was flatter and feeling uncomfortable in my bikini on our honey moon.

 Over the following 4 ½ years, the scale kept creeping up and before I knew it, I had gained 35 pounds and was feeling horrible.

 I started trying different exercise and diet programs, only to fail again and again, which took a toll on my confidence in ever changing. And even after all my efforts, nothing fit, I had to keep buying bigger and bigger sizes, and was on the border between regular and plus size clothing. In November of 2012, my husband and I started seriously thinking about having children, and I really started to think about the impact my extra weight would have on my pregnancy, the baby, and the ability to bounce back after the pregnancy, and also about how I had never really felt good about myself physically.

 I decided that it was time to get in the best shape of my life, to feel great about myself finally, and to adopt a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise to set an example for our child(ren) so they wouldn’t struggle with weight the way I have my whole life.

 First I tried a workout that was 3-4 days per week and concentrated on certain muscle groups in each workout. I was very consistent with that, started regular cardio workouts, and started counting calories. I eventually got bored with it, and my husband had found Adonis and started it in January, and he had great things to say about it and it sounded very interesting, so I ended up buying the original Venus program in March.

 I started the program and actually entered the contest in May, but at the time, I was in grad school and had a lot of stress and deadlines, so ended up missing workouts and gained back about 15 of the 23 pounds I had lost since the previous November.

When school was basically over towards the end of July, I rededicated and decided to enter the September contest. We had decided to start trying to get pregnant after we take a vacation in December, and I also booked a photo shoot for motivation.

Over the 12 weeks, I definitely had ups and downs. There were times when I had moments of weakness and went over my calories, but overall, I was pretty consistent with sticking with my weekly calories based on the virtual nutritionist calculations. I completed the original venus program and most of the final phase program within the 12 weeks by doing 4-5 workouts per week throughout the contest.

 I took progress pics along the way, and my husband was a huge support throughout the process, especially the last week. I also was lucky enough to have the help of Allen Elliott, who planned out my workouts and diet for the last week leading up to the final pics. Amazing of him to do that, and the results really showed in my final pictures.

 In the end, I am completely shocked by the outcome! I have never been so confident in a bikini in my life! The best part is that without knowing it, not only was I losing fat throughout the program, but I started building muscle and a shape that I have never seen before and didn’t even know I had!

 And what was great was that I just had to follow the workouts that were already designed to do that for me, and I didn’t have to consciously think about how to build certain muscles to create the shape that would look best, which is good because I wouldn’t have known how. It was crazy because I just followed the programs and by the end, I had a figure that hours of cardio and calorie counting (which is what I think a lot of women do to just get “thin” and end up with no shape) could never have gotten me to.

 The best thing about Venus in my opinion is that while it is definitely challenging, it is not impossible to stick with because it is not so extreme that the majority could not sustain it. And what helps with making it so easy to sustain is the variety.

 I loved how the workouts were different every day because I never got bored. For the first time in my life, I actually enjoy working out. There are times it is still difficult to get to the gym, but once I am there, I actually enjoy the time I have set aside to improve my body.

 And Venus is the program I will definitely stick with for life because it finally made me successful in getting the body and the comfort with my body that I’ve always wanted. I know it will help me maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout my pregnancies and help me bounce back more quickly afterwards. I’m just so glad I am finally done searching for what works.

 Contest inputs:

 Height 70″

 Start weight 167 lbs, shoulders 44″, waist 31″, hips 42″

End weight 147 lbs, shoulders 42″, waist 27″, hips 38″

After the contest Michelle enjoyed a vacation with her husband Jake.

After the contest Michelle enjoyed a vacation with her husband Jake.


Listen to Michelle’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

“Venus has taught me to live, not just diet”; Interview with Lou Ann

“Venus has taught me to live, not just diet. It isn’t always easy, but it is beautifully simple: eat whatever I want within my calories, and lift weights. The most monumental mental shift I’ve made is no longer having an “all or nothing” mentality, meaning I don’t punish myself emotionally and then blow off the rest of the day/week/month because I screwed up. I can LIVE and ENJOY my life as a Venus!”


Lou Ann placed 3rd in our VT-9 Transformation contest.

Here is what she has to say in her own words:

Doing Venus is perhaps the single most empowering decision I’ve ever made. I’ve literally struggled with my weight since birth. Because I was very premature, my parents felt the need to feed me…a lot. Consequently, I was the fat kid. When I graduated college I’d ballooned to 225lbs and I’ve continued to yo-yo for 20+ years.

Jenny Craig (even became a manager for them!), Quick Weight Loss, South Beach, UltraFit…I’ve been successful losing on every one. I’ve probably lost 200lbs in my adult life, but this is the first time I have absolute confidence that I will maintain because Venus has taught me to live, not just diet. It isn’t always easy, but it is beautifully simple:  eat whatever I want within my calories, and lift weights. The most monumental mental shift I’ve made is no longer having an “all or nothing” mentality, meaning I don’t punish myself emotionally and then blow off the rest of the day/week/month because I screwed up. I can LIVE and ENJOY my life as a Venus!

I started this journey after seeing photos taken on my 40th birthday (UGH!) and deciding I WAS NOT going to look or feel that way on my 41st. Since beginning, I’ve lost 25lbs and now have less than 10 pounds to VI. I’ve already achieved my shoulder and hip metrics. If I never make it to my VI waist, that’s OK, but I’m going to give it my best while celebrating all I’ve accomplished along the way.

Height 67”

Start: Weight 174 pounds, Shoulders 56”, Waist 35”, Hips 42”

End: Weight 156 pounds, Shoulders 40”, Waist 25”, Hips 38”

You can find Lou Ann’s blog in the Venus online community and be inspired by her story.


Listen to Lou Ann’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

You don’t have to be perfect in order to succeed at your fitness goals; Interview with Nadjia

"One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!"

“One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!”


Nadjia placed 7th in our VT-9 Transformation contest.

Here is what she has to say in her own words:

I joined Venus in the summer of 2013 after hearing about it from Brad Pilon’s blog.  What I was looking for was an end to the constant striving for the perfect body. The striving was enslaving me.  I needed something I could realistically keep up well into my aging years, while enjoying it.

One of the first transformations was learning to accept the truth, and then act on it. I could complain or wish for things to be different, and that would keep me right where I was. I am learning to recognize that my body just doesn’t need as much food as I was feeding it. When I want to eat more than I need I try to figure out why, and then address that issue instead of just mindlessly eating.

Another attitude shift happened in the last half of the 12 weeks. I noticed that I stopped counting down until the end of the contest. I wasn’t thinking about it all the time. It had become a lifestyle instead of a goal. I consider the contest to be a time to stop and celebrate how far I’ve come. I will continue on until I meet my Venus metrics. Then, I will learn how to live in maintenance.

One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Height 64”

Start: Weight 129 pounds, Shoulders 41”, Waist 30”, Hips 37”

End: Weight 121 pounds, Shoulders 39”, Waist 28”, Hips 35”


You can find Nadjia’s blog in the Venus online community and be inspired by her story.


Listen to Nadjia’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done: Игровые автоматы бесплатно и загрузок дополнительных программ не нужно. Для игры в игровые автоматы абсолютно каждый посетитель нашего игрового зала, без регистрации и без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом — сам аппарат. Вы можете играть бесплатно и без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом . igrat-avtomaty-vulkan.com Игровые автоматы бесплатно абсолютно каждый посетитель нашего игрового зала, без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом — сам аппарат. Вы можете попробовать игровые аппараты прямо сейчас, регистрации и без регистрации, запустить их можно онлайн без дополнительной загрузки. Игровые автоматы онлайн без регистрации, запустить их можно онлайн казино Вулкан .

Fourteen Years in the Gym and It Was Finally Venus That Gave Jessica the Shape She Always Wanted

Today we are honored to listen to Jessica Young Carbonel who placed sixth in the Eighth Venus Index Transformation Contest.

She is the happiest and most comfortable with herself than she has ever been.

She is the happiest and most comfortable with herself than she has ever been.


When she saw her before pictures she knew she was going to have to work at this.  She is very happy with the results.

When she saw her before pictures she knew she was going to have to work at this. She is very happy with the results.


Jessica found Venus changed her body and she felt the difference in the exercises.

Jessica found Venus changed her body and she felt the difference in the exercises.


Read what Jessica wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

My name is Jessica Young Carbonel. I am 27 years old and have worked/ been in a gym since I was 13 years old. For  the first time in 14 years that I’ve been able to say with confidence that I am happy with my lifestyle. Not just my  weight, my sizes, the way I feel but my entire life. My workouts have helped me and made a total difference in my  physique. Family have referenced my husband and I as “Models” and my jaw dropped!

I have adapted and stuck with the Adonis Workout program since January of 2013. I started with my husband who would  not stop playing podcasts and reading books called “Eat Stop Eat. ” Once I started I only stopped once when I  pinched a nerve from lack of stretching… (my fault I TOTALLY know better!)

My family has commented the most on my physique. For the first time I am buying sizes 0-4 when I have consistently  bought 8-12 ALL MY LIFE. I feel fantastic and am so motivated to keep up my work outs and my new lifestyle. I did  not utilize much of the forum/ community this time around but my husband and I are already planning on participating  in the next contest! Thank you for the introduction and the commitment for this new relationship. I am a devoted and  loyal follower!


The Venus Systems gave Jessica a complete lifestyle change, and she loves it.

The Venus Systems gave Jessica a complete lifestyle change, and she loves it.


Listen to Jessica’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

A Personal Trainer Becomes “The Girl with the Muscles”; Carlie Akerman

Today we are honored to listen to Carlie Akerman who placed second in the Eighth Venus Index Transformation Contest.

Carlie is an inspiration to her friends.

Carlie is an inspiration to her friends.


Carlie said Venus taught her to properly lift weights.  At first she was afraid lifting weights would make her too muscled, but now she is happy with her look and shape.

Carlie said Venus taught her to properly lift weights. At first she was afraid lifting weights would make her too muscled, but now she is happy with her look and shape.


Carlie's metrics before and after the 12 week contest.

Carlie’s metrics before and after the 12 week contest.


Read what Carlie wrote about her experience with the Venus Factor:

My name is Carlie Ackerman and I am 29 years old. I discovered and began the Venus at the end of March this year. Health and fitness has been an enormous part of my life for many years now. I’ve been training in many different ways and experimenting with diet and methods of reaching my goals to the best of my ability.

However I was never quite satisfied with the results and felt that physically I could push myself harder with the correct help and advice.

I found Venus through ‘Eat Stop Eat’ where I began to use fasting as part of my weight loss programme.

When I begin the Venus workouts, I found it not only exciting and educating but also it made me feel great! The high intensity, variety of exercises and change in my body made it addictive and I wanted to succeed. It was when I began to get results that I decided to compete. I have always been a healthy and conscious eater but that was something I also stepped up with Venus. I found that I became hungrier the more I trained but I continued to eat sensibly and appropriately in order to gain the best results with my training.

I did not look at my before pictures until just this week. When I saw them I couldn’t quite believe how I had changed.

The Venus has become a huge part of my life. For the first time in my life I have felt happy and comfortable in my own body and even more passionate about fitness then ever. Thanks to The Venus Index I am happy being me and very proud of my achievements.

Many Thanks,
Carlie Ackerman


"Lately someone referred to me as 'The girl with the muscles' and that made me smile"

“Lately someone referred to me as ‘The girl with the muscles’
and that made me smile”


Listen to Carlie’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:
