And the Venus Transformation Contest VT12 Winners are…

The 12 week contest only shows the small window of time at the end of their transformation.

There is a bigger story behind all of these transformations.
The 12 week contest only shows the small window of time at the end of their transformation.


Before I announce the winners of the 12th Venus Transformation contest it’s important to note that what you see for the contest is merely the last 12 weeks of a long transformation for all of these women.

What makes our contests unique is that they are not fat loss at all contests. The focus of our program is to learn a sustainable healthy lifestyle. That is why it is important for so many to stay active in our private online community for women only.

Our program is designed to build your best female shape while losing weight at the best rate for yourself.  For many women that might only be 10-20 pounds in 12 weeks.  Our program is designed to help women keep their hormones stable while sustainably losing fat and building muscle tone.

In the weeks ahead you will have the chance to see and hear the bigger story for all of these new Venus winners.

Alright then, on with the announcement so many have been waiting for:


First place – Pamela

There are so many things I have learned along the way these last 12 weeks.  I was a holier than thou, super judgemental, food snob who needed to relax, stop reading everything regarding health and fitness and just make it happen. Venus put me on the right path. The one I've wanted now for so, so long. I finally feel like I've got the magic ticket to life long health and fitness. There were a few stumble forwards along the way just like I had heard on so many of the podcasts. But that is life- it's never just all smooth sailing.

There are so many things I have learned along the way these last 12 weeks. I was a holier than thou, super judgmental, food snob who needed to relax, stop reading everything regarding health and fitness and just make it happen. Venus put me on the right path. The one I’ve wanted now for so, so long. I finally feel like I’ve got the magic ticket to life long health and fitness. There were a few stumble forwards along the way just like I had heard on so many of the podcasts.
But that is life- it’s never just all smooth sailing.


Second place – Sharon

Since I've started, I've actually inspired others, most importantly, my 18 year old daughter and that is soooo exciting for me! ME, an almost 49 year old, in menopause and a mom of an inspiration to others? Wow!!!! I weigh less now than when I was 29 and I'm positive I have more muscle now than I did then!

Since I’ve started, I’ve actually inspired others, most importantly, my 18 year old daughter and that is soooo exciting for me! ME, an almost 49 year old, in menopause and a mom of an adult…an inspiration to others? Wow!!!! I weigh less now than when I was 29 and
I’m positive I have more muscle now than I did then!


Third place – Leah

The best part is I have reached results in my weight and physique that I didn’t even think or dare to dream of having at this stage in life. I have surpassed my “ideal” weight I thought I wanted and I fit smaller sized clothing than I can even remember. Ultimately, I feel more geared up for success in every area of my life after accomplishing this goal. If I can do this, I can do anything! Thank you Venus Factor and to all the Venus’, I am a changed woman!!

The best part is I have reached results in my weight and physique that I didn’t even think or dare to dream of having at this stage in life. I have surpassed my “ideal” weight I thought I wanted and I fit smaller sized clothing than I can even remember. Ultimately, I feel more geared up for success in every area of my life after accomplishing this goal. If I can do this, I can do anything! Thank you Venus Factor and to all the Venus’, I am a changed woman!!


Fourth place – Patty

This has been a very difficult and rewarding process.  I have learned a lot and must say that I was ready to throw in the towel when I got such wonderful support from my Venus friend Pam that convinced me to not give up but be proud of what I have already worked hard for.  The Venus community is a community of great people that all want to achieve the same goal and go through the same ups and downs.  I am looking forward to continue on and keep up the hard work.  This has been a wonderful change in my life.

This has been a very difficult and rewarding process. I have learned a lot and must say that I was ready to throw in the towel when I got such wonderful support from my Venus friend Pam that convinced me to not give up but be proud of what I have already worked hard for. The Venus community is a community of great people that all want to achieve the same goal and go through the same ups and downs. I am looking forward to continue on and keep up the hard work. This has been a wonderful change in my life.


Fifth place – Kat

I found Venus in the middle of April 2014. It is November 23rd today. During that time I have lost 39 pounds and went from a size 14 to size 6. I haven't been in that good of a shape and size ever. The last time I weighed 121lbs was when I was 14. Through Venus I learned to enjoy life and enjoy food again. I will continue with the Venus principles for the rest of my life. I hit my gym 3 times a week consistently and I work hard and lift heavy.

I found Venus in the middle of April 2014. It is November 23rd today. During that time I have lost 39 pounds and went from a size 14 to size 6. I haven’t been in that good of a shape and size ever. The last time I weighed 121lbs was when I was 14. Through Venus I learned to enjoy life and enjoy food again. I will continue with the Venus principles for the rest of my life. I hit my gym 3 times a week consistently and I work hard and lift heavy.


Sixth place – Sylvie

Venus Factor provided support that I needed, when I needed it. I found a very high quality material, from the Web site, to the App. The user blog can be a good source of motivation; the podcasts are literally a mine of information and the discussions between Brad and John are so interesting to listen to. If I had an advice to give to a woman who wants to take her health in hand it's this one : give you a chance to succeed, don't ever give up; believe in you, you worth it.

Venus Factor provided support that I needed, when I needed it. I found a very high quality material, from the Web site, to the App. The user blog can be a good source of motivation; the podcasts are literally a mine of information and the discussions between Brad and John are so interesting to listen to. If I had an advice to give to a woman who wants to take her health in hand it’s this one : give you a chance to succeed, don’t ever give up; believe in you, you worth it.


Seventh place – Wendy

I have been so impressed with my Phase I results that I finally broke down and purchased immersion. I don’t really have a penny to spare but I certainly believe that you truly do get what you pay for, and to me this is the best investment I can make in myself, in my future! So, let’s do this, on to the next level, on to the next Phase. Just BRING IT!

I have been so impressed with my Phase I results that I finally broke down and purchased immersion. I don’t really have a penny to spare but I certainly believe that you truly do get what you pay for, and to me this is the best investment I can make in myself, in my future!
So, let’s do this, on to the next level, on to the next Phase. Just BRING IT!


Eighth place – Sheralyn

I have tried many diets that failed. Venus is so successful for me for many reasons; first you have so many people going through the same struggles, but we all share an learn from each other. Second, it fit so well with my life style. You can really live a normal life without having to deprive yourself of one of the simple pleasures in life, enjoying good food with family and friends. Another reason I love the Venus program is that this is the only diet that I have been on that give you more tools to loose and maintain weight, not just the bathroom scale. You have a tape measure, a mirror, a camera, and your clothes to help you see that you are looking better not just a number on a scale. With these tools you can reach mini goals to help you reach your ultimate goal.  SUCCESS!!!

I have tried many diets that failed. Venus is so successful for me for many reasons; first you have so many people going through the same struggles, but we all share an learn from each other. Second, it fit so well with my life style. You can really live a normal life without having to deprive yourself of one of the simple pleasures in life, enjoying good food with family and friends. Another reason I love the Venus program is that this is the only diet that I have been on that give you more tools to loose and maintain weight, not just the bathroom scale. You have a tape measure, a mirror, a camera, and your clothes to help you see that you are looking better not just a number on a scale. With these tools you can reach mini goals to help you reach your ultimate goal. SUCCESS!!!


Ninth place – Elizabeth


I immediately started to lose weight with Venus in April, 2014. In less than a week my clothes started to feel looser. I found many tools for loosing weight that I can use according my needs and my social calendar. This is what I love most about Venus: it is 100% flexible. I live in Asia, where the constant social events are all about food, and to not eat is culturally offensive. In the past I did not know how to navigate this. Now I participate in eating with everyone and I am still loosing weight. The concept of budgeting my calories makes a lot of sense to me. I budget my money – why wouldn’t I count and budget my calories as well?


Tenth place – Jenia

They say you are what you eat, right?  Well I think the Venus ladies are what we DON’T eat.  It’s a way of life, a mentality that will stick with me for the rest of my life.  It’s really a life changing program, if you allow it to be.  It’s something I totally fell into at the click of a mouse, and I am so happy I did. I am the fittest I have ever been in my life, even better now than my teenage years.   I’m loving the new Venus me.  My new standard is not ordinary, it’s extraordinary; I am Venus forevermore. Thank you all so much for creating such a wonderful and workable program!

They say you are what you eat, right? Well I think the Venus ladies are what we DON’T eat. It’s a way of life, a mentality that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It’s really a life changing program, if you allow it to be. It’s something I totally fell into at the click of a mouse, and I am so happy I did. I am the fittest I have ever been in my life, even better now than my teenage years. I’m loving the new Venus me. My new standard is not ordinary, it’s extraordinary; I am Venus forevermore. Thank you all so much for creating such a wonderful and workable program!

Our Cover Model for this contest is Sue

This is a category for any of our previous contest winners who want to take things a step farther to celebrate their success and keep motivated.  Sue loves to incorporate Venus and other physical activities with her love for Karate. Learn about Sue’s journey to success in her contest interview.

Sue is extremely helpful and supportive in our online community and you can find her there often, always with a kind word.


'm excited about the future like never before.  Setting my goals for 2015 will be very interesting, as the main challenge in my life has pretty much been sorted.  A clean slate .. how exciting!!

I’m excited about the future like never before. Setting my goals for 2015 will be very interesting, as the main challenge in my life has pretty much been sorted. A clean slate .. how exciting!!


Venus is proving to be SO much more than just the "how to lose weight" program. Anything I need, it's all at my fingertips .. and the community is beyond fantastic.  Venus, you have given me the tools to become the best version of myself .. thank you!

Venus is proving to be SO much more than just the “how to lose weight” program. Anything I need, it’s all at my fingertips .. and the community is beyond fantastic. Venus, you have given me the tools to become the best version of myself .. thank you!


What does a gun blowing up and holiday eating have in common?

Never give up!

That is what it has in common.  Never give up!

PS If you want to know more about the contest deadline keep reading.  Information down below.

The cracked barrel in the upper left is a very rare and infamous occurrence.

The cracked barrel in the upper left is a very rare and infamous occurrence.

This a very rare occurrence and it happened to me last night during our training and qualification at the Sheriff’s department.  I still have the chills thinking about it and all the deep meaning it has in my life.

Never give up.

Vaclav wrote this about my initial transformation several years ago.  It applied then as it applies now.

What happened last night was called a “squib load” and it’s a very rare and infamous occurrence that gets a lot of attention when it happens. It happened to my very precious and expensive Wilson 1911 (for those who understand guns).

I am still kind of in shock about it and my beautiful piece of machinery being so broken still makes me want to cry. Emotionally I’m waffling between sadness about it and yet deeply thankful that it didn’t happen on duty or that my hands or face didn’t get blown up. Instead I’m just stuck with some emotions and deep thoughts about life in general (and a very much broken masterfully made piece of machinery).

So how does this apply to us at Venus and the holidays?

Last night’s incident with my gun blowing up reminds me that we all must NEVER GIVE UP. First, it was nobodies fault. Stuff happens. It’s life. I am very lucky no one was hurt and that it the drill itself was TRAINING. The malfunction however COULD happen in a real life scenario on duty.

The training and qualification scenario was this: I was advancing on a threat with my shotgun. Aggressively walking forward and firing the shotgun. When I got up to close range I ran out of ammo in my shotgun so transitioned to my handgun. I proceeded to rapidly empty it into the threat. But after several quick rounds it “jammed”. I attempted the failure drill and quickly realized it totally broken and saw the cracked barrel. Lucky it was training/qualification.

My initial reaction was deep sadness for my most precious beautifully machined mechanical item and I really wanted to cry for a second about that. I thought Oh My God and in fact I think I said that. The range master quickly came over, saw what happened to it, quietly took it from my hands and set it safely on the shelf nearby and all he said was “FOCUS!” Then he proceeded to finish teaching the class.

So had this really happened on the street what would I do? I was at close range. Did I have a backup plan? I would need to keep the mindset of NEVER GIVE UP. We all need to work on that AHEAD OF TIME. I have a lot to think about now. And it was a perfect reminder that this applies not only to our physical training at the gym, out on runs, driving our cars, on our jobs, at the mall, at home with our families, in EVERYTHING WE DO.


Giving up on your fitness goals for the holidays is like slashing all your tires because one is flat

I stole this saying from a Jillian fitspiration poster on Facebook.

The same thing with diet and the holidays. We don’t have to give up. Enjoy those feast days but the pressure increases and strategies fail. Never give up on that either. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. We are human. We are messy. We will have moments or days of feasting, but it doesn’t have to go on for days on end.  You are not doomed.

You have a choice. You have options. You can DECIDE to stop at any time. You can have just a little portion control and maybe some days in between of “dieting’ so to speak, or just a little bit more in control. Even eating at maintenance a few days is a WIN. You don’t have to over eat at every meal every day during the season.

We have to deal with it every year. Why not embrace it with a plan and a backup plan? We live our habits for life. Don’t give up just because the holidays are hard.

OWN what you put in your body. Don’t let anyone else own it.

Never give up.

Never Settle.


What about the contest deadline?

Many of you will be submitting the final pictures for the contest this weekend.  In the 12 weeks of hard work and focus some of you may have forgotten where the contest entry form is. It’s the same form you used to enter the contest. Get your final entries in by midnight Eastern time November 24th.

We will be setting a schedule soon for next years contests. There will be 3 contests and the first will start in mid January so you can all enjoy the holidays (even without giving up!)  Keep your eyes peeled for an email from John and Brad Howard regarding the schedule.  Once that is all settled we shall post it here on the website as well.

Have an awesome weekend!  I can’t wait to see all the beautiful pictures of hard work and dedication!

– Coach Roberta

For any contest questions I can be reached inside the community or via email


PS just for fun here’s one more thing my new awesome expert martial artist friend Jarrod and I will never give up on.  A few years ago I couldn’t do a pushup or curl up, so once again, NEVER GIVE UP applies to all of life.


A new Venus Kool Kat; Meet Katharina

Kat went from a size 14 to a size 6 and has lost more than 36lbs since April.

Kat went from a size 14 to a size 6 and has lost more than 36lbs since April.


Different things work for different people

She goes by Kat and she is one of our newest successful Venus stories.  Kat and I met behind the scenes within the Venus online community and in our Venus Live Internet Chat tool.  We quickly hit it off and became friends on FaceBook.  Like many of our Venus customers Kat didn’t feel like she had time for an online community.

She joined our transformation contest and quickly felt like she was pushing too hard and that it was not sustainable.  For some people it’s good choice to focus on a sustainable process instead of a contest.  Although both the online community and the contest are good tools for motivation; they are not required for success.

As most of us learn; we are all different and yet the same.  We all have to experiment a bit to find what works for us. The one thing that is the same is that if we became over weight it was because of too much food.  Finding the right energy balance for fat loss for each individual is unique.  So is finding the right foods.


Kat and I share a love for organic foods so she brought me gifts from her garden.

Kat and I share a love for organic foods so she
brought me gifts from her garden.


The Venus tools are what gave Kat a new life

Venus helped Kat realize that she had too many good food and bad food restrictions.  The tools helped her learn that her all organic food was simply too much food for her.  Once she found the correct energy balance for her own needs everything clicked.

It’s been fun for me getting to know Kat because she lives in my old stomping grounds where I graduated from high school.  She also learned to love a style of organic eating that I also followed.  We both learned many of the same lessons about food.  She goes hiking along the beaches of Northern California where I grew up.  Her husband owns a business in the town where I once owned a house.  We share a lot in common.

Kat loves to lift weights and exercise.  She came to visit me a few days ago and we shared a workout with my coach Miles Cortez.  We had all had a blast.  Kat took Miles and I out to coffee after our workout.  We all spent hours talking about how much we all love the persistent lifestyle of eating within our means and exercising for our health. We all share a passion for the lifestyle.  It was a beautiful day.

Kat said one of the biggest keys to her success was the immersion program. She absolutely loved the uncensored podcasts.  There are times she felt like reverting back to old habits and eating more food than she needs. The podcasts helped her get past all that.  She listened to one after another. She said they were a lifesaver for her.


Kat’s world changed when she came across Venus Index.

Kat’s world changed when she came across the Venus Factor.


Here’s what Kat wrote to me in her own words:


Hi Roberta,

I first came to the US in 1995 as an exchange student. I stayed for a year and went back to Germany to finish my high school. The day after I got my German High school diploma I was on a plane back to the US to try my luck into getting to live here.

In April 2000 I met my husband trying to sell his business a website template. Never sold a single one, but we started dating and got married in 2003.

My husband owns Jake’s Performance Hobbies in Rohnert Park, a local hobby shop, selling radio controlled cars, airplanes, etc.

Once a week I do the bookkeeping for him, the other time I am a stay at home mom.

I come from Karlsruhe in Germany. It is South West on the Rhein river close to the Black Forest.

I like about America that I can do whatever I want and no one minds 🙂 I like how open and friendly Americans are (in comparison to Germans). I dont do well with people telling me what to do or how to do things 😉 Americans are also less judgmental and easy going. It really fits my mentality a lot better.

I went to a holistic nutrition school to become a Nutrition Educator, then I got my certificate as a Nutrition Consultants from the American Association of Nutrition Consultants, an online course.

Venus not only helped me, but saved my life. It freed me from labeling my foods as bad and good and therefore labeling myself as being bad or good depending on what I was eating. It freed me from yo-yo dieting and let me enjoy life and my body and finally love myself.

I do love Venus as a lifestyle. My motto is progress and not perfection! I love that Venus has given me all the tools to be in the shape I always wanted to be and better. It talks about so many aspects that are vital to successful weight loss that other programs don’t even touch upon.

I want to jump up and down and give everyone at Venus a big hug, especially John, Brad and you! You have no idea how much you have changed my life and the freedom you have given me! I am soaring right now. I am so happy and grateful! I will continue with the Venus principles for the rest of my life. I cant imagine anything better.

I will send you some pictures later….




This month Kat was featured in a newsletter success story


Kat Anytime Fitness success story


Kat is one tough chick for sure!

Kat’s been following what I’m doing on FaceBook so when we were setting up a time to visit she made it very clear that she wanted a workout with me and Miles. One thing both Miles and I noticed was that Kat loves to work hard!  We had so much fun working out at the gym.  Like the Anytime fitness author said “This tough chick deserves a big high five the next time you see her!”  We did a lot of high fives at the gym during our workout.


Kat like to work hard and we all did lots of high fives at the gym!

Here is Kat, Miles, and me; Kat like to work hard
and we all did lots of high fives at the gym!


Like Kat, Venus has changed my life for good. It is the very reason I’m living my dream today. Coach Miles has helped me take that farther and even get a trophy recently, but that’s all a story for another time. Today is all about Kat.  Miles is a coach that found freedom from food restrictions with Eat Stop Eat and we all share a common bond and a common lifestyle.  It’s awesome to find other coaches embracing the truth about food and willing to leave old school myths behind.  It is pretty exciting and we are all thankful to Brad Pilon and John Barban.

Here’s a little video of us having a blast at the gym:


I hope you enjoyed Kat’s success story as much as I have.

Have a great weekend, full of opportunity to make great choices!

-Coach Roberta

You can find me in our online Venus Community



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What does it feel like to over eat? Uncensored Podcast

What does it feel like when you've had enough food?

What does it feel like when you’ve had enough food?


What does over eating and having just enough food feel like?

What does a normal day of eating feel like?

When do you realize it?

What about when the damage is already done?

How can we learn before the damage is done?

What does it feel like slightly?

What does it feel like to eat the right amount?

How do you tell when you are done for the day?

How do the food guides help?

What is the different in the feeling from just a couple hundred calories under VS the same amount over maintenance?

What are the three ways to eat?

What can you do to learn how to know for sure?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about this topic:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…


How does the 80/20 rule VS Icing and Cake fit into Diet and Fitness? Uncensored Podcast

How does the icing and the cake fit into diet and fitness?

How does the icing and the cake fit into diet and fitness?


What is the cake and what is the icing?

What is the core of fat loss?

When do the little things about diet matter?

No matter what your goal what is the most important factor?

What about when you are stuck or on a plateau?

How much do you need to maintain?

What about what you need for fat loss?

How much do you really eat?

What are the three ways to eat?

When do the macro’s matter in your diet?

What the icing on the cake with workouts?

What is the cake?

What is the root of all of this?

When is playing with the icing beneficial?

What is finally the bottom line?



Listen to what John and Brad have to say about this topic:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…


Malissa Worked Night Shifts and still Achieved the Body of her Dreams


Malissa placed in our VT11 Venus Transformation Contest

She works as a nurse on the night shift and is a busy mom, despite these obstacles she still was able to transform her body and mind in spectacular fashion during the contest!

Malissa looks fabulous

Malissa looks fabulous

Malissa is strong and lean

Malissa is strong and lean

 This is what Malissa had to say about her transformation in her own words-

Wow is all I can say. I accidentally clicked on this ad on facebook six months ago and its the best mistake I’ve ever made. Went into this with no expectations just wanted to lose 20-30lbs and discovered I love weights and I’m so mad at myself for having a gym membership and using it for cardio classes. This program has helped me get to a level of fitness that I have never had in my entire life. The program has changed my life forever and helped me find a new passion.

Working the Night Shift

This what Malissa had to say about how her she fit in nutrition with her work schedule-

I am a night shifter; I work 12 hour shifts 7pm-7am 3 nights a week on a very busy medical floor. I fell into the trap of mindless eating like many people do when they work shift work. Many times you eat to stay awake or you are just hungry for no reason. And you work with other people in the same boat who believe they are overweight because of the shift they work and lack of sleep screwing up their metabolism. But there are people who work these shifts and don’t have an obvious weight problem. So as I started Venus factor I had to take into account I would be eating 1000 calories on most days and I would have to keep to that deficit even on the nights that I worked. So I planned my meals out in advance I would fast until 3 or 4pm on days when I was working. I would many nights eat my dinner and snacks by 11 or 12am and just drink coffee, tea, energy drinks, and diet soda after that (caffeine is the sidekick to a night shift nurse). I packed my lunch and avoided the hospital cafeteria like the plague. I would try and save maintenance days for when I knew co-workers were planning on bringing in food but many times I had to pass because someone is always bringing in cake for no apparent reason or quick high calorie snack items and happy to share. I have become a foodie with protein powder so I made a lot of desserts that I could have and brought them into work and let my co-workers test them out too. I am a big fan of the mind set of “Eat what you love everyday” if there is something you love research it find a lower calorie version and make it yourself. But honestly many times you just have to learn to say no and walk away because it is not part of your ultimate goal, and no food tastes as good as being able to fit into the clothing you want feels. So if you are doing this and you work these crazy hours like me know that it is possible. Logging and planning ahead were my biggest tools I had flops nobody is perfect, you just have to make sure flops are not a consistent part of your routine. As for food choices protein and low carb are better friends to night shift if you eat high carb it actually contributes to your fatigue and sluggishness. So I found that avoiding the grains and high sugar foods helped with my energy levels along with all the caffeine. Now as I am in maintenance I tend to find I have better luck with eating a little lower on days where I am home and eating at maintenance on nights when I work.

Malissa Loves the Online Community

You can read her blog here and interact with her in the community.

Malissa's blog in the Venus community

Malissa’s blog in the Venus community

Here is more about how Malissa did it

How did you find the Venus Factor?
I came across the Venus Factor on Facebook after the holidays when I was beginning to gain some weight back after a long streak of slow weight loss with calorie reduction and taking group exercise classes 4-5 days per week. I watched the brief video and thought it kind of made sense. I liked the cost of the program and decided to give it a try.
What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?
The aspects of the program I found most beneficial was that it was electronically downloadable and I didn’t have to wait for anything in the mail. I could start pretty much right away. I liked the mobile version that I could take with me to the gym so I could access any videos of exercises I was doing that day.
Did you like the Venus workout?
I love, love, love these workouts they provided a variety that keeps me from getting bored. They really helped with my core strength which I needed desperately suffering from lower back pain on/off. They make you look taller more confident and really help you achieve strength to do things that many women don’t find easy like pushups, pull ups and I think I might actually be able to climb a rope now.
Which workout(s) did you use?
I used the original Venus workouts at the beginning then moved onto Final phase and I was into Phase 3 at the end of the contest. I also used Slim in 7 pre photo prep. Now I have moved back into Final Phase with Venus Circuits and Specializations on off days.
What kept you motivated?
The thing that kept me motivated was that my weight loss was actually noticeable more to others than myself. Even my husband noticed. I was losing a clothing size about every 2-3 weeks it seemed, I started off at a size US 12 and was in a size 4 by the time the contest photos were submitted. I was also motivated by the things I was actually able to do when I got down to a smaller clothing size. I could actually support my own body weight and it was no longer difficult and awkward to do activities like running and spins and turns with ballroom dancing.
Do you have a particular style of eating?
Style of eating… hmm… I really like a variety of foods I am a big fan of cottage cheese, greek yogurt & I never seem to get bored with chicken. I will say that the intermittent fasting technique opened my palate up to try vegetables that I might have passed my nose up at before. Bottom line if you are truly hungry you will eat and these are the times when I introduced a new food to my taste buds.
Did you use the Undulating protocol? If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?
I used the undulating protocol for the 1st and 2nd round of Venus. The 2nd round fell during the summer so I moved my maintenance days to fit with cook outs and date nights.

Did you use any supplements?
I use whey protein powder if I am getting behind on my protein requirements. I have recently discovered the Quest bar (yum). I like to make my own food and manipulate recipes so I can increase the protein and still try and keep things low on the calorie counts. I was taking raspberry ketones and green coffee bean at the beginning but stopped and guess what the weight still came off so I don’t waste my money. I just do a women’s multi-vitamin and natural progesterone cream to correct some estrogen dominance that can interfere with my appetite.
Did you use the online community and how was that experience?
I started blogging after I had been doing Venus for 6 weeks and already started seeing results. I went on the blogs and saw all of these incredible pictures of women and the noticeable changes that were happening. The blogs are great it is like your online support group because you will truly need support. No one else around you will probably be doing this and when you give them details that is when they give you there unsolicited advice and it gets very old very soon.
Did you find support with friends and family?
My husband was on/off with the support wagon he gradually accepted that I had become someone different. He really didn’t like me going to the gym and leaving him so then he joined the gym. Once the scales tipped in our relationship he felt the need to change as well. Most everyone has been very encouraging and supportive of me. I did have a couple times when people would pig out in front of me and laugh about it. I heard a couple anorexic comments people love to throw that out.
What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?
The hardest obstacle during this process is when I reached a size 4 for me that is something I really could not believe when I ran into Old Navy grabbed a pair of pairs put them on and they fit perfect. I was never even this small in high school.
How did you feel about your final pictures?
My final pictures I had done Slim in 7 and is started to get pretty miserable by the last 2 days. But I would say it was well worth it. I love my VT11 pictures they are the best pictures I have ever had taken. I can’t believe that I am able to look at myself in a bikini none the less and not want to cringe or pick my body apart for everything that is wrong with it. I look balanced, lean, strong, and confident. Actually, I look even better than I did before I had 3 kids!
Is this a lifestyle you will continue? 

This is absolutely a lifestyle I will continue. I love weight training. I now have so many workouts to choose from because of Immersion. I may not always track but can always go back to that tool as well as many of the others. I now have an understanding of how I got to be obese and how very easy it is to do. I now also possess the knowledge of how to correct the situation and prevent it from getting to that point again.

What is your best advice for other Venuses?
Best advice for other women on Venus is: Do those workouts, Blog, don’t get discouraged by what you see and compare yourself. Try all the tools and see what works for you. It is a learning process and in the end you will have learned what you need to maintain. That is the ultimate goal to maintain. That is what I like the most about Venus the creators & coaches don’t want you to rebound they want you to find maintenance

Malissa’s Before and After Pictures & Metrics

Malissa metrics



Malissa is a total Venus!

Malissa is a total Venus!



Listen to Malissa’s podcast here-


Tabitha Transformed her Body and her Family’s Health


Tabitha Venus Contest 11 (2)

Tabitha’s stunning transformation during Venus Contest

Tabitha placed in our recent VT11 Venus Transformation Contest.

She did a phenomenal job, and persisted through some hardships. Her results are wonderful!

Tabitha before and after

Tabitha with her husband before and after

Tabitha and her daughter before and after

Tabitha and her daughter before and after

Here is what Tabitha had to say in her own words

I started my weight loss journey in Jan 2012 with my husband. I did not know about Venus at the time and just counted calories using MFP. By April of that year I gave up. I had only lost 15 pounds and my husband had lost over 30! I was so frustrated because it didn’t even seem like he tried and the weight just fell off, but I was constantly hungry and felt deprived! By 2013, I had gained all the weight back so I decided to try Weight Watchers. I could have all the fruit I wanted so I wouldn’t be hungry on this system right? By July of 2013 I had gained an additional 12 pounds! I was now the heaviest I had ever been. I knew I needed to do something, but just dreaded being hungry ALL the time. My husband had joined Adonis that year and joined one of the contests. I was very skeptical and was sure that skipping breakfast and only eating 1000 calories was very unhealthy! When I saw his after photos I was blown away! He finally convinced me to just give Venus a try. I signed up December 31st and started in January.

The most surprising thing to me was that I could skip breakfast and I was fine! By skipping breakfast I had more calories for later in the day and I wasn’t starving by lunchtime like I normally was when I would eat breakfast! The 1000 calories that I was worried about? Now I routinely only eat 800-850 and I feel just fine! I don’t go to bed hungry. I feel full and even save enough calories to have a bowl of ice cream before bed most nights!

The workouts have been the most challenging aspect of my journey. Six weeks in I started having pain in my knees. I had to completely cut out ALL leg exercises from my routine! I was so discouraged, but the ladies in the forum kept me going and gave me ideas for alternate exercises.  I still can’t do most of the exercises, but through the forum and my physical therapist I have enough alternatives to get a good leg workout! I have learned that if you truly want something you will find a way! You just have to keep a positive outlook and keep going! If one way doesn’t work then try something else. Eventually you will find what works for you!

This has been a true lifestyle change for my entire family. We no longer shop the way we used to, we find ourselves primarily shopping along the outside aisles of the store…no more boxed & processed food. We weigh & measure everything we eat. We very rarely eat fast food anymore and we don’t even miss it! Even my 11 year old daughter has started making healthier food choices (on her own) and she has started working out with me in the evenings! We have started cycling has a family and have gone several times over the summer. We have truly changed our lives thanks to Venus and Adonis!


Tabitha's family has healthy new habits

Tabitha’s family has healthy new habits


Tabitha and her daughter working out together

Tabitha and her daughter working out together

Tabitha loves the online Venus community

You can find Tabitha active in the Venus community and read her blog!

Tabitha is active in the Venus community

Tabitha is active in the Venus community



Here is more about Tabitha

How did you find the Venus Factor?

Through my husband! We started our weight loss journey together in 2012. I gave up 3 months in, but he kept going. In 2013 he found Adonis and joined a contest. He placed 10th!!! I was very skeptical of the Adonis program when he started…skipping breakfast, eating low calories…it couldn’t be healthy…right? When I saw his after pictures I started to get curious. Finally at the end of December I thought “What have I got to lose?” and signed up!

What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

The science behind how to lose weight is what I found most beneficial. As I read the weight loss manual I kept thinking “Wow! This is what I did wrong before! That is why I was always hungry, etc.” I have tried counting calories before but I failed. In 2012 I used MFP to count calories. I stayed below 1200 every day. However, I always felt hungry and after 3 months I just couldn’t maintain it anymore.

When I saw that my deficit calories with Venus was 1000 I thought there is no way I can do that! I was starving eating 1200 with MFP how could I possibly eat 1000 or less? With Venus I learned that eating breakfast was my first mistake. I skip breakfast every day now and I don’t even miss it! My second mistake was eating low every day! Having the maintenance day has really helped. If I am craving something through the week I just wait and eat it on my maintenance day! I never feel deprived and most days I only eat between 800-850 calories and I never go to bed hungry!

Did you like the Venus workout?

I love the workouts! I have never lifted weights before in my life! When I tried to lose weight in 2012 I would walk every day. After a while though that got to be really BORING! I tried workout videos, but gasping and panting for breath after 10 minutes is not my idea of fun! With the Venus workout it is different every day and while I sweat and sometimes breathe hard I never feel like I am dying! 

Which workout(s) did you use?

I have stuck with the Phase 1 workout. I have had to modify them a lot due to some knee problems though. 

What kept you motivated?

The online community has been my biggest motivator. Reading all the stories and seeing the pictures of all the successful Venus women has given me goals to work toward. Every time I have felt discouraged or would have given up someone is always there to encourage or give advice. 

Do you have a particular style of eating?

I really don’t other than that I tend to eat the same foods every day. I find that it is easier because I know the calorie counts in the foods I eat. We have 5-6 meals that we rotate out for dinners.


Did you use the Undulating protocol?  If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

I did not use the undulating protocol. Through this journey I have learned a few things about myself. I am very much a type A person and will try to make things more difficult than they are and if I feel that I am not doing something perfect then I will quit…rather than risk failure! Knowing this about myself I decided to just keep things simple and only track my calories and protein. Trying to track carbs, fat, and work out percentages was just too complicated for me and I knew that I would not stick to that and would give up.

Did you use any supplements?


Did you use the online community an
d how was that experience?

Very frequently! I love the online community and find myself checking that site before Facebook even! I have several women that I follow regularly and I hope to meet a lot of them one day face to face!   

Did you find support with friends and family?

I have! I don’t know if I could have stuck with the workouts if my husband was not getting up with me at 5am to workout as well! 

What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

The hardest obstacle for me was the workouts! A few weeks in I started having pain in my knees. After several visits to the Orthopedic, x-rays, MRI’s, etc. the Dr said he had no idea what was causing the pain. However, my Physical Therapist has been working with me and I now have an arsenal of alternate exercises and the pain has gotten better. They are not completely healed and maybe never will be, but at least I can still strengthen! This lesson has taught me that there is always a way!

How did you feel about your final pictures?

I couldn’t believe it! I still look at them and say “Is that really me?” I am very proud of what I have accomplished this year!

Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

Definitely!!! This journey has been a complete lifestyle change for my entire family! We now spend our free time being active. We have started cycling and try to go every chance we get now. I have more energy and feel more alert. I never want to go back to the old me! I want to change my family tree and pass this healthy lifestyle on to my child and have her eventually pass it on to her children!

What is your best advice for other Venus’s?

Always keep a positive attitude! The thoughts you tell yourself really matter! If you are constantly telling yourself that you are weak, you can’t resist high calorie foods, you are tired and can’t workout, etc. You will believe it and set yourself up for failure!

Instead speak positive words or words of life to yourself! Even if you don’t “feel” beautiful, strong, or worth it, tell yourself that you are and eventually you will believe it! Surround yourself with positive people. You don’t need people in your life that only speak negative things into your soul! These people will tear you down not build you up. There really is power in your thoughts and words!


Tabitha’s Metrics Results

Note:  The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program.  Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.

Tabitha lost 14.0 lbs and 2.5 inches of both her waist and hips during the 12 week contest!


Note: The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program. Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.


Isn't Tabitha a beautiful Venus?

Isn’t Tabitha a beautiful Venus?


You can listen to Tabitha’s story here:


How Leann became victorious in the hunger games of life.

I also enjoy YA dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.  

I also enjoy Young Adult Dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.


Leann placed 1st in our VT11 Venus Transformation Contest


Here’s what Leann has to say in her own words:

I found Venus Factor through MFP in January 2014.  I’d joined a biggest loser competition at work because I was fed up with my post-pregnancy body.  I had just stopped nursing my five-month old and knew I could no longer use that as an excuse to overeat.

During my first twelve weeks on Venus, I just focused on getting my eating under control and sticking to the 12 week eating protocol. I did some cardio but not a ton, and I ended up winning that biggest loser contest.  VT11 was the start of my second 12 week transformation.  I started the lifting program to see better results.

Venus Factor is not just some diet.  It has been a lifestyle change, for it has provided me with the right tools, skills, and mindset to manage my eating habits and get into the best health and shape of my life.  Portion control, calorie budgeting, and lifting heavy are key.  Flexibility and freedom to choose what and when you eat reigns.  Finding balance in what you eat—and in life—is imperative.  The online community is so supportive.

Being a librarian, I recognize and appreciate VF’s vast collection of resources.  I also enjoy Young Adult Dystopias, three which serve as inspiration for the following truth: Venus Factor empowers women to become divergent from the mainstream, knowing that the time for excuses is over (Maze Runner trilogy), so that we can take control and be victorious in the true hunger games of life.


-Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.

Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.


Leann loves the online community

You can find Leann active in the community and read her blog.

The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups!  And now I really have a reason to go to Australia!  It’s neat to have friends all around the world.

The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups! And now I really have a reason to go to Australia!
It’s neat to have friends all around the world.



Here is more about Leann:

How did you find the Venus Factor?

Through My Fitness Pal (MFP). I had joined a Biggest Loser contest at work back in January. I had stopped nursing with the new year and knew I could no longer use that as an excuse to overeat. Someone had told me about MFP, so while exploring it one night I saw an ad for Venus Factor. I watched the presentation, it seemed to make a lot of sense and was a reasonable price. I purchased it that night, and man was it the best money I’ve ever spent!

What aspect of the program was most beneficial to you?

It’s so hard to pinpoint because everything together is so empowering. The common sense theory, science, and info in the manual + 12 week undulating metabolic override plan + workout program and videos + online community + podcasts + overall flexibility and freedom of the program = empowerment like no other!!!

Back in January, I was recovering from a broken elbow. I had done some of the 30 day shred prior to VF and found that planks were too much for my elbow. So I think that aggravation to my elbow is part of what kept me from starting the VF lifting workouts back in January. But I stuck with the 12 week eating protocol and ended up winning the biggest loser contest – 20 lbs in a little over 2 months! I followed the 12 week eating protocol during VT11, too, and lost nearly another 20 pounds.

Did you like the Venus workout?

Absolutely. I loved not having to kill myself with cardio. The variety in each day’s workout is great because it keeps me from getting bored and stuck in a rut.

The flexibility of the program is wonderful, as well. I work out at home, in our attached garage. I try to get up before my girls to work out, but my youngest is equipped with a great mommy detector. Inevitably she’ll wake up within 30 minutes of me. The first couple weeks this summer I brought her (in either her highchair or walker) into the garage with me while I tried to finish my workout. But I’d have to fix her breakfast, change diapers, deal with my older daughter when she woke up, fix her breakfast, and the interruption list could go on and on. So I learned a few things:

– If my workouts get interrupted, I just pick back up and finish it later (whether later that day or the next)

– Workout whenever it’s convenient for you. Split them up if you have to. I work out all times of the day: early mornings, ongoing throughout the day in between chores, during my girls’ naps, and sometimes at night after they go to sleep.

– If possible, bring your workouts inside to the kids vs bringing your kids outside to the workout. It was so much easier to let my girls comfortably roam inside the house with me doing most of the exercises inside, too. Kitchen appliances (mine are black) serve as great mirrors!

– Even though it can be a hassle with young ones, letting your kids see you exercise is beneficial because you’re setting a good example for them.

Which workout(s) did you use?

VF Workout (weeks 1 – 7) plus the Slim in 7 circuits.

What kept you motivated?

The contest. Seeing it through to the end and whether I could place or not. I also booked a photo shoot—that was a big motivator, too.

But outside the contest, my motivation is the feeling of being comfortable in my clothes, and knowing that I’m healthy and in shape. I want to be a good role model for my daughters, nieces, and any other females out there, struggling like I was.

Do you have a particular style of eating?

Not really. I try to eat mostly clean, but I do allow myself some processed foods. I focus on meeting my protein goal and try to get plenty of fiber, too. Sometimes I fast through breakfast, sometimes not. Occasionally I fast through lunch, too, but usually end up eating as many calories in the evening as I would throughout the day. I bought a digital scale with my Biggest Loser winnings, and I used it religiously during VT11 to weigh my food.

Did you use the Undulating protocol? If so how did it work for you and did you make any modifications?

Yes, it was great! I think it really was the key to my success. I switch my maintenance (M) days around if needed to fit planned—or unplanned—social events. Most weeks during the contest I kept my days right before and after M clean and low.

Did you use any supplements?

Just a women’s multivitamin.

Did you use the online community and how was that experience?

Yes. I dabbled in the forum threads to begin with and just read through them to learn the ropes. My first blog was on July 1st and at first it seemed kind of weird and selfish. But I got over those feelings and learned that it’s great to both give and get support! The new friendships formed are fabulous, and I can’t wait until the day when I’m able to go to one of the Venus meet-ups! And now I really have a reason to go to Australia! It’s neat to have friends all around the world.

Did you find support with friends and family?

Yes and no. My husband and best friend were very supportive. My husband has always touted a healthy lifestyle and I never really jumped on board with him till Venus. We definitely don’t eat as many casseroles as we used to. I’ve taken over his weights this summer. I don’t know if I would’ve got the workouts in if we didn’t have them here at home.

I brought my best friend with me to my photo shoot—she and the photographer made me feel like a million bucks! She’s been so positive and supportive of me since the beginning. She’s now pregnant and I can’t wait to help her get back in shape after the baby arrives. We frequently talk about health, nutrition, and exercise.

My mom and sisters were concerned, though, about me getting “too skinny”. Especially my mom. But my sisters have both purchased VF since I won, though.

What was the hardest obstacle to conquer?

At first, it was tracking my calories. It’s very time consuming—the measuring and/or weighing, looking the foods up in MFP, entering my recipes in MFP—but it’s all well worth it. After awhile you get a good idea of portion sizes. But I know that if I really need to cut, weighing and measuring is key!

After tracking the calories, though, my hardest obstacle is finding—or rather, making—the time to work out.

How did you feel about your final pictures?

Well, it was such an awesome experience! Everyone should do a professional photo shoot at least once, so you can feel like a supermodel! To do it right, though, it takes a lot of prep work: posing, heels, tan, hair, nails, and diet so you’re looking your best. Like Roberta says, though, remember that it’s the weeks of hard work leading up to it that really counts!

Besides that…when my friend and I saw the first glimpses of my pictures, we didn’t see a lot of my muscle definition. But then when I got to preview all of the pictures, it was better and pretty awesome yet overwhelming. I couldn’t believe it was really me! My progress pics at home were definitely no match for ones taken by a professional.

But remember that lighting IS key to catching muscle definition. I actually had pictures taken a second time by my neighbor girl. We used some small lamps to play with the lighting. Her pictures are actually the ones I submitted for the required ones for judging.

Is this a lifestyle you will continue?

Absolutely! The Venus lifestyle will help me get a six pack some day! Aside from that though, I’ve got a long life ahead of me. Venus has empowered me with the mindset and tools to really enjoy life, at a size and shape I’m comfortable with. I am not going to yo-yo like so many others.

What is your best advice for other Venus’s?

  • – “The time for excuses is over.” Yes it will be hard, but it will be worth it. Suck it up and just do it.
  • – Evaluate how VF can fit into your lifestyle, not vice versa. The beauty of VF is in its freedom and flexibility.

Eat the foods you want, just stay within your calories. But eat enough protein!!

Workout anytime of day you want. Many women workout fasted, but I usually didn’t. You can break up your workouts, if needed.

  • – Do the math! Calculate your calories as a weekly budget. If you overeat one day, eat less another.
  • – It’s okay to be hungry. Drink plenty of water.
  • – Life happens and will throw your plans out of whack. Just do the best you can and get back on track when you stumble.

– Contest prep:

  • Book a photo shoot
  • Practice your poses
  • Experiment with lighting


Note:  The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program.  Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.

Leann lost 20 pounds during this 12 week round.


Now, isn't Leann a beautiful Venus?!

Now, isn’t Leann a beautiful Venus?!


You can listen to Leann’s story here:

How about a life in a new and improved body at age 45?

At age 45 Sue has discovered life in a new and improved body!

At age 45 Sue has discovered life in a new and improved body!


Sue placed 10th in our VT11 Venus Transformation Contest


Here’s what Sue has to say in her own words:

I discovered the Venus Factor program in March 2014 and really liked the structure of it and the community.  I weighed 172 pounds and while I’m 5’10” tall, excess weight on me is still fat and looks horrid.  I took some photos at that point (I have included them to show my whole journey), just so I could look back and see where I’d come from.  This would be at least the seventh time that I would have lost over 20 pounds in the last 15 years, so my struggle isn’t so much in losing the weight (I can be dedicated for a period), but in the maintaining and keeping it off.  The addition of getting older (I’m 45) and having recently started HRT were added bonuses in the equation!

The thing that struck a chord in me with Venus was the simplicity in the overriding diet philosophy – I can eat anything I want, provided I am accountable and responsible for it.  And I can bank up my calories for special events.  I LIKE THAT!  It makes the whole thing so much more manageable .. and livable!  I also loved that I didn’t need to plan my own workouts .. just print it out and go do it.  Brain interference = Zero.

From March to May 2014 I followed Venus, although since I do karate at a fairly high level and train regularly, I was more intermittent than structured with the workouts.  I lost about 15 pounds during that time and then decided to enter the contest.  At the same time, I also entered an adventure race, which is trail running, mountain biking and kayaking in the Australian Blue Mountains, outside of Sydney.  I needed to train for this as I hadn’t run or ridden a bike in over 30 years!  I was also training for my first dan black belt grading in karate, which I achieved at the end of June.  So I was getting quite a bit of varied training but all the extra load then caused my knee to start giving me grief. The doctor has since said I have Osteoarthritis in both knees, but I’m working with a physiologist to manage that, as I’m not willing to give up any of my training.

In the middle of the contest period, I got sick.  I tried for a while to control my diet, but my body was just CRAVING carbs.  I would go DAYS where the thought of bread and butter and honey was at the forefront of my mind!  Eventually I gave in.  I also didn’t train in any way for about three or four weeks.  I was disappointed in my lack of progress, given the race and the contest had end dates that were fast approaching.  I made the decision then that I would not be where I wanted to be at the end of the contest, so I would not get a professional photographer.  I would still take the pictures myself AND submit them .. since I committed to myself up front that I would.

Well, race day came and went and it was a blast!  About 17 miles covered and we didn’t stop for over four-and-a-half hours.  I was completed exhausted by the end .. but I did it!  Only one week to go to the end of the Venus contest from there.  I had incorporated two Eat-Stop-Eat style fasts into my week a while ago and since I was under instruction to completely rest my knee (no training in the last week for me) and I had work commitments and meetings that would make the water loading of Slim in 7 problematic, I decided to just eat super-clean, in calorific deficit and do an extra day fasting.  The result was astonishing!  Not only did I make my Venus Index metrics on weight and waist, I went under them!  Unbelievable.  The photos, while very ordinary quality, do show the incredible transformation and I couldn’t be happier with the hard evidence in front of me.  And yes, I am KICKING myself for not going professional for them!

Aside from losing weight using the Venus Factor program, I have learned a couple of other really valuable things from this experience.  During the time I was sick and recovering and also not training, I learned how to relax on the program and how to maintain – which is HUGE for me.  I also learned how much I can change my body in just one week when I want to, and how vital diet is.  I discovered through the Venus community that maintaining a healthy and fit body isn’t the effortless, anything-goes lifestyle that I’ve always assumed .. that healthy, fit people have to actively maintain their bodies and take responsibility for it.  And I’ve found that while I don’t need to count calories (I haven’t for most of the contest period), I DO like to weigh myself every day to keep myself accountable .. and motivated!

Thank you for the Venus program, the incentive of this contest and the incredible community you’ve built.  I am so happy with myself and my journey and with my new starting point .. and I can’t WAIT to see what else I can do with this old bod!


Sue lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks in spite of some setbacks.

Sue lost 15 pounds in 12 weeks in spite of some setbacks.


Sue is active in the online forum

Sue is an energetic, fun, and super supportive member of our community where you can find her often giving an encouraging word to others.

We have a very popular thread in the forum called “The last 10 pounds” because this seems to be a very difficult part of the process and requires much patience.  This is the time where your food intake needs to be almost as precise as a lab experiment.  It requires tremendous discipline and consistency.

Here is a sample of the fun Sue brought to our community right from the start:

Shaeshae, I’m with you .. have just been wandering through the Forum halls and came across this thread of awesomeness!!

Hi guys! I’m down to within my last 10lbs now, which is quite exciting. The whole process has worked REALLY well – dropping 19lbs and 3.5″ off my waist in just over 9 weeks. ESE has REALLY helped me to manage the whole process and it will be an invaluable tool in maintaining things going forward, as will the VF education on how much food really makes up my maintenance level.

I can already see me doing another program targeted at muscle and muscle shape development once I reach my goal of 145lbs (I’m 5’10”) .. and I’m excited about that already!

I have a grading coming up (I do karate) at the end of June and I’m hoping to be selected to attempt for my first dan black belt! I plan to be at or very close to my goal weight by then and already into the strength improvement side of things .. will feel wonderful doing a 4 hour grading and not feeling bogged down with excess weight or lack of strength or fitness. For the first time I look forward to the challenge with only excitement and no underlying feelings of dread or fear!

You guys are awesome, the way you share your experience with newbies like me. And you make us feel like no question is too stupid (even if it might be!). Thanks so much!!

Note:  ESE is the acronym for the book Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.


Sue's before and after data.

This is only a small window of time in Sue’s overall weight loss journey.


Note:  The Adonis Golden Ratio is the men’s version of our fat loss and muscle building program.  Many Venus’s husbands and boyfriends use this program. We are starting to get requests for a “couple’s contest” so if there is enough interest please let me know and we can roll that idea around.


Sue keeps an online blog in our private community

Sue’s blog in the community is named “Life in a new and improved body” and yes, that is exactly what she has found with the Venus Factor!

After just a few months in the community Sue posted a picture in her blog to share some very wise words:

What are the most powerful words in the universe?

The ones you use to talk to yourself.

Talk with love.


Sue is an energetic and helpful personality in our online community.

Sue is an energetic and helpful personality in our online community.


Sue’s favorite supplements

Sue uses a variety of health supplements which she talks about in the podcast.  Among them she likes some of the BioTrust products.  She likes the probiotic and the frosted oatmeal protein cookies.  She has the IC-5 and the AbsorbMax and would like to incorporate those into her regimen soon.


You can listen to her story and words of wisdom here:

The Venus Transformation Contest VT12 starts TODAY!

Coach Liss knows how to keep you motivated and stay on track. Today is the day to start your transformation!

Coach Liss knows how to keep you motivated and on track.
Today is the day to start your transformation!


The Venus Transformation Contest VT12 starts on September 1, 2014 and ends November 24, 2014

We will accept contest entries starting on September 1, 2014. The deadline for entering your before pictures will be Midnight Eastern Time on September 8, 2014.

The pictures must be taken between between September 1st and September 8th, 2014. The newspaper front page picture must be taken during the same photo session.  For more instructions on picture requirements please see the Contest Instructions.


Click here –> Contest instructions, rules, and regulations <– Click here


Note: The contest dashboard does not open until September 1, 2014

(it will not work before then!)


We now have Venus Premier Coaching available for those who want it.

(PS you do not need to be in a contest to sign up for coaching, only willing and committed to make a change)


—> VT12 Contest entry instructions <—


If you carefully followed the contest instructions, you will receive an immediate confirmation email.  This is your only confirmation so review your entry carefully and make sure you have followed the instructions.

Checkout the winners of our previous contests.

This is your chance to throw your hat in the ring and be part of something special. It’s time to make a change, a big time change in your body and your life!

Train hard and the best of luck to you!

– Coach Roberta

PS Email me if you have any problems or questions entering the contests.

OR you can message me in the online community forum.

