Venus Success Stories; Meet Sue

Meet our latest 62 year old Venus named Sue

The Venus Factor program works for women of all ages.

The Venus Factor program works for women of all ages.


Sue jumped into the program with full gusto

At age 61 Sue jumped right into our program with amazing gusto with both the workouts and nutrition.

She found the calorie deficit easier than expected.  She immediately started measuring and logging her food and enjoyed learning about all the macro nutrients.

The exercises looked daunting at first but she gave it a go even if she couldn’t do as many reps as the workout specified. Within a week she found that she could perform daily chores with more ease.  Soon she was able to do dips, and found that overall she had increased energy throughout the day.


Sue is very active on the community blog.

Sue is very active on the community blog.


You can meet Sue in our online community through her profile.  Here’s the entry in her blog after the first week:

Sue's results for week one doing the Venus Factor program with full gusto.

Sue’s results for week one doing the Venus Factor program with full gusto.


The internal and external changes are all pretty exciting!

As Sue quickly learned, the program changes how you live your life.  The changes are mental as well as physical.  It’s pretty exciting at first, and it stays exciting as you find success in all aspects of your life.

Her energetic and inspiring posts are contagious “Dancing on the spot, dancing on the spot – woo hoo dropped a size in shorts from a tight size 16 to a comfortable size 14 (Australian sizes). Can’t believe it as I am only on Week 2 day 4 – the diet, exercises and weights sure do work. No more bloating either. Thank you, thank you, thank you … now to aim for a size 12 🙂


Sue found freedom and a sense of excitement with the changes in her life!

Sue found freedom and a sense of excitement with the changes in her life!


There is freedom from food restrictions and you still lose weight!

Sue found so much freedom with food and a renewed love for cooking:

Home, sat in the shade outside with a lovely cool sparkling glass of water (wish it was champers but oh well we have to do what we got to do ) before heading inside for a cooking session. Made 24 stuffed potatoes (didn’t count the calories as I shall definitely not be eating those fattening devils) 4 cumin scented turkey burgers (174 calories each – yes I measure and count everything included in them, then weigh the finished burgers to make sure they all weigh near enough the same and then divide by four) and 8 lean mince/pork burgers (276 calories per burger) great for when I need protein at the end of the day. Everything is now in the freezer so time for me to relax with the vegetable and chickpea soup I made yesterday for lunch (85 calories a cup). Planning on BBQ fillet steak and salad tonight followed by another cappuccino. Now who said you couldn’t eat on this diet?

Love this diet and I love to cook. I can cook, eat and still loose weight. There’s nothing better than good food, fresh food and food you can prepare yourself. You know exactly what is going into it and the calorie value. I’ve started to build a recipe collection of low fat meals


Sue experimented until she found the right mix of foods for herself.

Sue experimented until she found the right mix of foods for herself.

We all have to experiment to find the right mix of foods for ourselves

We are all different and we all have to find the right mix of foods for our individual health.  That is the main reason Venus does not prescribe a specific diet style.  Sue is like me in this regard though, we both feel and perform better with less processed sugar and artificial sweeteners.

For the most part we all find we do better with less food, or the correct amount of food for our size, compared to when we overate and had gained weight.  Here’s what Sue had to say about the changes in her diet:

I came to the decision to give up all sugar, artificial and otherwise. I found that the more artificial sugar I had, the more I yearned to eat sweet things. Was it hard giving away those diet yoghurts, diet ice cream, diet desserts and my homemade cakes, biscuits and sugar in tea and coffee? Yes, but after five weeks my body has adapted and now I don’t crave sweet foods as I did before. If I do fancy something sweet, I grab a piece of fruit which seems to satisfy those occasional cravings. My consumption of bread, pasta and rice has also changed. An occasional quarter cup of cooked rice (and yes I was horrified at how little it was) now feels normal, an occasional slice of sour dough bread with an egg or and open sandwich for lunch is more than enough and pasta, which I love, is now banned for the foreseeable future and is better avoided (as is chocolate).

I eat what I want to eat, within reason. I now know what to avoid – my danger foods. I am so focused on counting calories. Nothing goes into my mouth which isn’t counted (even those one or two stray grapes). Every ingredient in my favorite recipes are weighed and measured and counted (and weighed again as I dish the food out for myself).

How little it looks on the plate. Is 150 gram fillet steak really that small? 200 grams of white fish really going to be enough? It is. My body has adapted to the change. Now I truly enjoy my food. I don’t eat for the sake of eating nor do I go back for seconds (if I am tempted I move away from the table). I feel hunger after an 18 hour fast; I now know when I am hungry or when my mind/body thinks it is hungry and more often than not, I find water sates this hunger. The feeling of emptiness in the stomach – no more bloating, no more overfilling, no more stuffing myself until I feel sick!


At age 62 Sue finds she is now a runner and has total zest for life!

Sue had her birthday after several weeks into the program.
At age 62 Sue finds she is now a runner and has total zest for life!


The empowerment of gaining physical strength

Like most of us who have gone through the Venus workouts Sue found empowerment in her physical strength.  At age 62 she ran her first 5 mile run in 50 minutes!

Sue describes her experience with her gains in physical strength:

How quickly time has flown – here I am in Week 11 and I can’t believe the change in myself, my attitude to food and exercise. One thing I have discovered that it is never too late to start exercising, whatever your health. Yes, it does require effort and may come with a bit of soreness and pain but within weeks one begins to see the positive results exercise brings. Venus not only firms my body and quickens my mind (remembering all those exercises) it also makes me feel good and sends my spirits soaring.

When I first started this program, weights seemed tough work at first and at times I wondered if I would chuck in the towel as the exercises seemed daunting. Reading through the blogs helped keep me on the right track. Within a couple of weeks, I was surprised by what I was able to achieve. My strength increased and now, weeks later, I find I am able to carry all sort of things that I would have once struggled with. I definitely like being a strong woman!

I was totally unfit when I started this program and I did experience soreness and stiffness when I first started exercising (slowly) but my body became use to the weight and floor exercises and most of my aches and pains disappeared. I exercise at home (no gym nearby) and I found the Venus Workout Videos a real bonus in helping me acquire the right technique for working out.

One thing I can say, is don’t expect immediate results. It takes time to transform and reshape a body 11 weeks on, I can see a great difference with my weight loss and in how my body looks but I also know it’s going to take me a lot longer to reach my Venus metrics.

Once I could see and feel the benefits of exercise in my body, it motivated me to truly eat well. I basically eat fresh, healthy foods and I now find them delicious. On this program I have found that I don’t have to stop eating all my favorite foods either, I just reduce my portions. I eat far slower than I use too, I put down my knife and fork and actually relish what I eat, rather than stuffing food into my mouth and gobbling it as quick as I once did turkey style! I’ve also found I don’t have to deprive myself of occasional treats (the crucial word here is ‘occasional’), though I tend to save them until we are dining out or entertaining. Ice cream and chocolate are my worse downfalls and I haven’t eaten either since starting Venus. I’ve managed to resist temptation by hiding them in the deepest recesses of the fridge/cupboard or freezer – it is too much like hard work to extract them

I was in the right frame of mind when I started this program and I have always been positive about my gradual move to fitness, loss of weight and inches. I decided that I wanted to be fit and healthy because there is so much more I want to do in my life. I want to be active so that I can enjoy playing with my grandchildren. I also want to be active so that I can enjoy long walks with my husband and dogs, play tennis and squash again and perhaps take up sailing. And yes, after 11 weeks I can now do all this.

I thought I was too old to do this at the age of 60-61. Getting out of the chair was difficult, climbing into the car, walking, puffing, slouching, round shouldered, I acted and became that old woman. I thought I was old so I behaved as if I was old. Everyone of us has to grow old, but I have learned through Venus that one doesn’t have to be old. I am not old. By becoming fitter and healthier the more positive I have become in my life and self esteem. What I have found is that anyone can improve their diet, anyone can loose weight if they set their mind to it and anyone can increase their vigor and fitness levels whatever their age. It definitely has benefited not only my heart, but my mind and soul as well. Venus in 11 weeks has given my back my pep and made me younger and quite honestly that’s the best thing that has happened to me in many years. They deserve a BIG HUG. Thanks guys and thanks to everyone of you who support one another on each of our journeys. You truly are the best



Sue enjoys her grandchildren and finds that Venus is a sustainable lifestyle.

Sue enjoys her grandchildren and finds that Venus is a sustainable lifestyle. 


Sue found that Venus is a sustainable lifestyle

The Venus workouts are not a walk in the park. But with perseverance they do lead you along a path of rapid growth and they can change not only your body but your life. The more you workout the easier it becomes. All I can say to anyone is that whatever you do – keep going and yes, like me, you’ll find that your motivation will ebb and flow. When I first started the workouts, the first few months were hard, and then I started bumping into periods of low energy. Habit and a focus on what I wanted to achieve is what kept me going. I constantly reminded myself that this was what I wanted to do. I wanted to become fitter and toned and I wanted to be able to move more and have a healthy, active retirement and this is what I have and am achieving.

And remember we are all unique. Never compare yourself to someone else. It is your journey and during your journey you’ll hit bumps in the road where you will eat over your maintenance or where something happens to knock you off course – always remember these bumps are just a small part of your journey. The best thing you can do is not to focus on it but to get yourself back on track as soon as you can and keep moving forward.

Take one day at a time and enjoy the unexpected surprises that may be thrown at you. We all have those days when we over eat or need a sugar fix by eating those chocolate brownies or we continually dip our hand into the cookie bin. Don’t be negative about it, take action and move forward and be flexible knowing that you have the tools and ability to get yourself back on track. It’s a part of the journey to weight loss and it will also stand you in good stead, once you are on maintenance, because you have learned how to get yourself back on track.

When I started Venus, my dream was not only to lose weight and be within my healthy weight range, I also wanted to be fit and be able to complete the Venus Index Workout. It has not only become my reality but my dream and Venus has moved me forward into achieving more than I ever expected. I am doing something I now love, it has energized me, turned my sedentary life around and I am now living my dream and a life that makes me grateful to be alive. Venus has definitely changed my life.


I hope you enjoyed Sue’s story.  It’s pretty exciting to see lives change.  We have stories like this inside our private community and they are growing in number!

If you have a story you would like us to tell about your experience with the Venus Factor please feel free to contact any of the Venus coaches.

Coach Roberta


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Ever feel like your self esteem is in the trash can?

Do you ever need to pick your self esteem up out of the trash can? This is our kitty Briquette.

Do you ever need to pick your self esteem up out of the trash can?
This is our kitty Briquette, she liked to play there. 🙂


The perfectionist mindset; a lesson from a selfie picture

Like most of us Venus women my life is very busy and I sometimes feel I’m running on empty. A couple of weeks ago I had a busy crazy day away from home. When I got home I made Randy laugh so hard at how silly I am:

I showed him the cute selfies on my phone (not me it’s the T-shirts that are cute). I pointed out look at this and that with my arms and shape.  He was very perplexed. He said “Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real, the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!”


I showed him the cute selfies (not me it's the T-shirts that are cute). I pointed out look at this and that with my arms and shape and he said "Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real, the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!"

I showed Randy the pictures on the phone and I pointed out what I saw.  He said “Why do you tell me and show me the selfie? I am looking at you for real,
the most beautiful woman I know, right there as you hold the phone!!”


I pondered that. Most of us women don’t view ourselves as others do. Even after we reach our goals. It’s been three years since I reached my goal and my mind still hasn’t caught up. I seemed to spend most of last year attempting to feel good about myself and my body and all I could see were my own flaws.  It makes me sad that I wasted so much happiness doing that.  I want to stop doing that.

We ALL have to work on self image issues for life (especially all of us girls). I used to not like selfies much but now I see some value in them as long as they are not the same thing over and over.

As we reach our goals we tend to move the bar, which is not such a bad thing. But we move from a big picture view and narrow down with a microscope view and nit pic ourselves to death.


We all think “we will be happy when…”

We all have this thought that “If I could only get to such and such a size, or weight, or whatever measurement you choose, I will be happy. But the reality is that when you get there the internal issues are still there.

I have found that the internal issues are intensified and “right in your face” because all of the relationships around you change as your physical appearance changes.


Start building your emotional stronghold

People become jealous and mean (even if they don’t mean to be) the more successful you become. They won’t consider your feelings even when they take “righteous actions” that would obviously hurt anyone in your place. It really doesn’t really matter why people do it.  Sometimes they don’t even know they are doing it, or they don’t know why they do it. Sometimes it is intentional and you will never know why because you are not them. It will happen and it does hurt.  Your insecurities intensify.  Then you need to learn to build an emotional stronghold.

Sometimes you reach a point where you have to work on internal things that you may have put off for a long time. It becomes a matter of emotional survival. I’ve had some real breakthroughs in this area recently and it’s such freedom. Especially when you realize people who you thought were your friends are not really your friends, and they never were.  Once you realize that, then you know that you have nothing to lose. There is freedom in knowing that since you have nothing to lose, you don’t have to let them hold you back. Nothing they think, say, or do matters anymore. That is tremendous freedom for yourself right there.

Since you are successful, and you are becoming even more successful, you don’t have time for negative and mean people to matter. Brush them off and focus on something positive, like helping out a friend who really does want your help.


Here’s what John has to say about the perfectionist mindset:

Weight loss isn’t easy, if it were nobody would have a weight problem. The process takes work, discipline and dedication which is hard enough on it’s own…but if you also beat yourself up during the process it’s almost impossible.

We all struggle with our body image and our appraisal of ourselves on a daily basis, and in most cases (and especially with women) you are usually your own worst and unforgiving critic.

Through all the interviews I’ve done and clients I have coached I have learned that women are typically the hardest on themselves when it comes to evaluating their body and their progress in weight loss.

If you lose 1 pound this week it’s not good enough because the goal was 2 pounds. If you lose 2 pounds it’s not good enough because your thighs still don’t quite look the way you want them too. If you made improvements in your arms and butt you start focusing on your stomach instead.

This self criticism has to be put in check for your own sake. You are much more than the sum of your parts or the most recent diet success or failure.

Taking a broader view of who you are and appreciating where you came from and where you’re going will help reduce the volume of your inner self critic.

Quieting that inner critic is easier said than done and I’m not an expert at it…I get help from a secret weapon…that secret weapon is my therapist Dr. Nicola Bird.

I don’t really know how to describe her besides that she is amazing and her techniques work!

I do a regular podcast with her about the mental and emotional game of weight loss and you can listen to the podcast we did on quieting your inner self critic here:

Listen to Podcast here ==> Quieting Your Inner Self Critic

You can check out more of our podcasts on the site or subscribe to the Venus index podcast on iTunes.


P.S. Dr. Bird is a regular contributor to the Venus community and you can look forward to hearing more from her in the future.

She also has a program specifically designed to eliminate emotional eating, you can check it out here: ==> Dr Birds Program for Emotional Eating <==


Start working on internal issues now and keep at it for life

So the main point:  Start working on your internal issues and your self image issues NOW, because they don’t go away when you reach your fitness and fat loss goals.  In fact, those issues become intensified after you reach your goals.  They intensify more as you become successful in all aspects of your life.

There is a fine line between knowing you have a problem that needs to be fixed VS disparaging yourself for it. Humor is good of course, and it’s good to laugh at how silly we are, while at the same time not damaging our own self esteem.

Here’s a poster I really love for when you are taking corrective action to fix the health problem of being over weight:

Something to remember when you are taking corrective action to lose fat.

Something to remember while you are taking
corrective action to lose fat.


There is a before and after picture of me in a costume that John liked for an article.  When I first lost all my 85 pounds I used to laugh at the before picture and my husband Randy got really mad and scolded me.  He said “You were always my lovely wife, even then.  I’m glad you are happy now that you’ve lost weight, but don’t ever disparage yourself like that again!”

He was right.  It makes me happy that he loves me so much.  It was a great reminder to me that I need to continue to work on my own self esteem, probably until the end of my days here on earth.


Here are a couple of helpful podcasts on this subject with Dr. Nicola Bird:


Ask Nicola; Perfectionist Mindset

Ask Nicola; Learn to Love Your Body


When you let your self esteem fall in the trash can like I do;

  • You can choose to pick it back up
  • Listen to some of Dr. Nicola podcasts
  • Do other activities which help your mindset and self esteem
  • Switch your mind immediately to positive things
  • Stay only in the positive, so that means no gossiping about the mean girls in your life!
  • When you let self esteem get you off track with diet or exercise here are some tips to get motivated to get back on track.

We  all have these seasons of getting off track with our mindset, with workouts, and with nutrition.  Sometimes we have to make an effort to get back on track, and we do this for life.  Since we are merely human it won’t be the last time we have to do it. We do get better at it as we practice, just like everything else we do.


Have a great weekend, it’s full of opportunity to make good choices.

– Coach Roberta  

(You can find me in the online community.)



What Can You Do VS What Will You Do for Fat Loss; Uncensored Podcast

What can you do VS What will you do for Fat Loss?

What CAN you do VS what WILL you do for Fat Loss?


There may be 1000 solutions but you can only do one of them.

What is the most efficient way for YOU?

There are infinite suggestions and solutions to fat loss.

Why is collecting solutions is not THE solution?

Why is the application more important than the theory?

Why does a diet fail the application?

What makes a diet click for you?

What makes everyone successful regardless of diet or workout?

How do you find the one you will stick with?

What do all the successful programs have in common?

What gets you results?

What makes it sustainable for you?

What is the measurement of what works?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about what works for Fat Loss:


IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Venus Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not a Venus Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…


How to Break the Weight Loss Stall or Plateau; with Coach Liss

Coach Liss and Coach Jenny are here to help you break a plateau

Coach Liss and Coach Jenny are here to help you break a fat loss stall or plateau.


What is a fat loss plateau?

A stall or fat loss plateau happens when you have been “on plan” for at least 21 days and have not seen any movement in the tape measure or the scale.

Remember that a change in metrics or inches is just as much progress as a change in the body weight scale. Celebrate that and trust what you are doing.

If the time span has been less than 21 days, then you need to be patient and keep working. Fat loss is not linear. It does not directly correlate to our calorie expenditure; instead fat loss seems to come in chunks. We call it the “whoosh” in Venus. All we can focus on is nailing our calorie and workout goals. The fat loss will come in time if we nail those two things.


Fat Loss Troubleshooting

When things flat line and stall, be honest with yourself. Have you really been “on plan”? If you have followed the plan to a T, then here are 3 things you can do:



  • Measure everything

For maintenance, eyeballing portions is just fine. But being in a caloric deficit is a different beast. Everything that you eat should be weighed or measured. There are too many other uncertainties to worry about, the amount you eat should not be uncertain. Control what you can control.


  • Compensate for Error

You need to take off 15% from your calorie goals to account for error. Basically, there are many common errors in any food that you intake outside of our measuring control. It can range from the fruit sugars varying each harvest to packaged food containing 52 grams instead of 50 grams of material. Taking off 15% off a calorie goal to account for error is a good idea.


  •  Tastes, Bites, and Licks

We all do it. Our kid does not eat their last nugget, so we do instead. Licking the peanut butter off the spoon, waste not and want not. Tastes, bites, and licks can add up fast- one to two hundred calories a day in a snap. If it goes into your mouth, you must count those calories. Be honest with yourself.

 The final caveat – below median

When all else fails, you might be that bottom 25% that fall below the average calorie recommendation in our calculator for your height. If you do M.E.T. for 21 days and you do not lose either in metrics or mass- then that is a sign you may be below average in RMR (resting metabolic rate) for your height. I happen to fall in this area, by the way. A good tip off that is that you have longer legs than other women your height. Having longer legs also means that you have a shorter torso which means smaller organs which account for most of your RMR.

Just Keep Going!

The good news is that you can get to the bottom of a plateau or fat loss stall. Just be patient and keep going. Trial and learning from errors is key.

A Venus coach is a helpful tool during frustrating times like a plateau. We have lived through them, and helped trouble shoot issues for other women just like you. If you have a tricky situation or just need accountability, a coach might be just what you need.

Remember to keep going, you can do this!


If you want a Venus Premier Coach <<– Sign up here


PS You don’t have to be in a contest to get coaching.

Do you make this obvious mistake when measuring your fat loss progress?


Comparing your rate of fat loss change to another is like comparing apples to oranges.

Comparing your rate of fat loss change to another is like
comparing apples to oranges.


Do you compare your rate of change to another person?

It is like comparing apples to oranges.  All of us come into the process with a different genetics, age, height, body fat percentage, health, physical conditioning, history of dieting, and the list goes on.

Fat loss does not happen linearly, it happens in random chunks.  We all have some periods of time where it appears that nothing is happening.  People call it a plateau but it is not really a plateau.  It’s just that the body weight scale can’t tell you what is happening. Water alone can fluctuate several pounds within any given day!

There are far to many factors that the scale can’t show:

  • allergies
  • muscle soreness
  • inflamation
  • muscle building
  • water retenion
  • food allergies
  • sodium
  • water loss
  • hormone fluctuations
  • food digestion
  • food allergies

And many more…


Water in the body can fluctuate several pounds on any given day

The body weight scale is really only good as a trend over time, sometimes months.  It took me two years to lose 60 pounds; think about that, it’s not very fast (probably because I’m very tiny and short;  it included large chunks of times where it appeared no change was taking place.  But I stuck with the process and didn’t worry about it and finally something kicked loose.  It happened in random chunks like that the whole time.  It’s a good thing I didn’t get discouraged and give up or I would never have achieved my goal and I wouldn’t have the new life I have right now.

Sometimes people give up and if they would have waited just a week longer they might have gotten their random “whoosh”.  That whoosh is sometimes just what you need to keep you going again through the next apparent plateau (which really is not a plateau).

New people come in all the time and complain that nothing has happened for 3 weeks!  

Three weeks is not very long at all.

Most of us do see results in 3 weeks but it really depends on the randomness that your body decides to drop it.  Usually those that have their big “losses” in the beginning will eventually also have some slow down and chunkiness in progress.

This is exactly why Jake protected his wife from seeing the scale when she was in the last contest.  Michelle talked about how that worked for her and then John explained why that was such a clever idea!  It’s probably a big reason she stayed motivated and came in first place.  It is also exactly what I did in VT4 where I got first place.


Be encouraged by users in the community who sometimes had to wait 6 weeks to see results!

Here’s a list of ladies in the forum who had to be very patient and some of them waited 6 weeks before they saw a change. These ladies are always encouraging others and have great stories and words of wisdom.

Read their blogs and be encouraged and inspired.


Valerie in MT

Living vintageously in a modern world







Lou Ann Tigergal








Here’s some words of wisdom from John Barban on the subject:

The terms ‘fat loss’ and ‘weight loss’ often get used interchangeably, but they shouldn’t.

 If you lose a pound of fat, then technically you should weigh a pound less. This however is hard to detect if your daily water fluctuation and the amount of food and drinks you have in your body can be as much as 5-7lbs in any given day. If you just drink a few glasses of water you will easily be a pound heavier due to the extra water weight added to your body. Eating a big meal can easily add 3-5 pounds of weight to your body while you’re digesting and assimilating the food. These are temporary gains in body weight and do not necessarily mean you’ve gained body mass be it fat or muscle. It’s really just food in your gut.

 Understanding that your daily body ‘weight’ can fluctuate 3-5 pounds just from the weight of the food you have eaten it’s not surprising that you may not really be able to detect a 1 pound decrease in fat mass. At least not detectably on a scale.

 Also when you have a significant amount of fat to lose (in excess of 40lbs) you’re body will be carrying excess water along with the excess fat. This means that if and when you decide to start cutting fat you will experience a ‘weight’ loss that exceeds your actual ‘fat’ loss. As you lose body fat you will also lose a certain amount of excess water retention. This is a good thing as excess water makes you look smooth and bloated and it takes away from your muscular definition.

 It’s typical for someone to lose twice as much ‘weight’ as ‘fat’ in the initial stages of a fat loss cut down. Someone who needs to drop 40lbs will likely see a big weight loss at the beginning. It’s a good bet that in the first 2-4 weeks at least 50% of the ‘weight’ that is coming off is water, the rest is actual fat. This higher ratio of weight loss to fat loss starts to drop as you get to lower body fat percentages.

 It seems that as you drop below approx 25% body fat you can assume that most of the actual weight you lose is due purely to fat loss.

 Finally when you’re close to or below 20% body fat or lower you may notice that you get visibly leaner and can lose fat without seeing your bodyweight change much at all. At this final stage you will be lean enough that even minor changes in fat levels will make a difference on your visible definition. These changes will be proportionally small when it comes to measurable weight, however the changes they make to your visible definition will be big.

 It’s true that losing 1 pound of fat when you’re body fat is 30% will not even be noticeable, however losing a full pound of fat when your body fat is 20% will make a dramatic difference in your look even if the scale doesn’t budge.

 Finally your muscle hydration and weight training status will also change how full and heavy your muscles are on a day to day basis. Having fully hydrated and glycogen loaded muscles can dramatically increase your bodyweight, even if it only lasts for a day or two. This ability of your muscles to swell with water, nutrients and glycogen can also throw off your measurement of fat loss vs weight loss. When you’re very lean you can actually lose fat, and even gain weight at the same time. These likely won’t be huge swings but it’s definitely possible.

 In summary:

 You can you lose fat without losing weight.

 You can even gain weight while losing fat.

 If you have lots of fat to lose, you’ll start out by losing significantly more weight than is accounted for by fat due to a reduction in water retention…this is a good thing.

 When you’re approaching 20% body fat and attempting to cut even lower you will likely get leaner without seeing much of a change in body weight. (this odd effect is partly why people think the last 10 pounds are harder to lose.)

 In reality they’re still losing fat but the total amount of weight that is coming off starts to slow down.



User quotes show how wildly the rate of change varies for each person

I went through the blogs today for a couple of hours and collected various progress report quotes from the top of blogs (you might see some of your own words here).  They are in chronological order from the last couple of weeks.  I was actually happy to see that most were happy posts, but some were frustration.

Besides the fact that the rate of change varies quite wildly from one person to the next, so does the mindset.  Some people were happy with just a few pounds where others had lost more than that and were unhappy and frustrated.  Mindset is EVERYTHING!



It was my weigh-in day this morning, and no movement, same as last week. BUT, I lost an inch off my bust, from 37″ to 36″, which I am hoping is my back bacon, and not my boobs! HA! Hey, a loss is a loss, am I right?


Week 10 and I lost another pound. My official weigh in days are Thursdays, but I couldn’t wait this morning. I had to see. Last week 158.6, this week 157.6. WHOA! This is weird to me because I lost close to 5 pounds the first 2 weeks on this program, then is slowed to about a half pound/week after that. It was slow going. I was starting to get frustrated, but I promised myself I wouldn’t quit.


Week 6 almost finished. The inches are coming off, but extremely slow!! I’ve only lost one inch in the waist, one inch in the shoulders, and 1/2 inch in the hips in the last three weeks!!! I guess it’s better than nothing.


It’s a lifetime of habit; but it was worth it. I am down 9 lbs. in 11 days.


The first week on this I only lose 2 pounds…..I hoped that by the end of week 2 I would have lost alot more, because I really tried hard this week. I didn’t lose any pounds…I’m very discouraged. I have 105 pounds to lose and I am tired of trying. I always hope but it seems like those dreams are always dashed….not sure what to do right now..any help?


I have lost 7 1/2 lbs to date and I have lost a total of 4.5 inches off my body. Things are changing, at a pace I can manage 🙂


I’m feeling so good about myself I’m down 5lbs in the first week. I’ve done a ton of reading and making sure that I’m active everyday.


Well I completed my first two weeks.
I am only down 4 pds overall….just yesterday I was down 5pds…lol
Trying not to get discouraged after listening to some people who have lost 9 pds in first week…….everyone’s different


I’ve determined that even though the scale as not even budged a 1/10 since March 7th, that I still must be doing something right. I lose anywhere from a 1/4″ to 1/2″ varying from every spot I measure (upper arm, shoulders, waist, hips, upper thigh). My muscle is getting better; I see some serious arm muscle when I flex. I REALLY wish the scale would keep going down, though. I’m going into my 10th week and I’ve only lost 13 pounds or so I dunno…. I’m sort of frustrated. It’d be great if I at least went down a size… what gives?


Well, i officially ended week 1 and could NOT be happier with my results! I am down 8.2 pounds in 7 days, which is more than I lost in 2.5 months on Weight Watchers this year!


Well I’m slowing down. The first 2 weeks that I was on the program (2 weigh in but only 11 days) I lost 3.5 lbs each time. The following 2 weigh in were 1.5 lbs each and now today’s was only half a pound!


Can I just say how excited I am? I started out at 188 pounds, and weighed in this am at 176. I am down 9.3 inches, too.


So, this morning when I weighed myself I was 174.2 Yippee!
It seems like so long ago, but last year before getting pregnant I weighed over 200 pounds.


Ok so I’m almost 2 weeks in and have only dropped 3 lbs, but not seeing any significant change. I’m kinda thinking the amount of carbs is a bit high on the meal plans. I see loads of post of women that are dropping weight like crazy. Any suggestions as to what has helped make significant changes in other people?


I’m going to start week 5 and I’m stuck in -4 pounds. I don’t know what happens. I don’t have any problem with the calorie intake and also I’m doing 3-4 times exercise per week I believe in the program but, something is wrong with me.


In that three weeks I lost 2 lbs….. but it was 2lbs of FAT, I am positive there was no water loss this time. I can fit into a size 4 jeans still 7 lbs from my ideal weight range and 21 lbs from my target weight! Soooooo cool! And here I was thinking I was sabotaging myself…. silly me….


I started on week 5. I did finally weigh myself – 11 lbs down since the end of week 1. My work belt and pants are definitely looser. I haven’t done any measuring lately.


Was 78.6kg (2 weeks ago) Now 73.9kg I just wanted to scream it out loud LOL


Yay down 5.6 lbs!!! Started at 196lbs and now 190.4lbs. Love that I can still eat what I want as long as I am still within calories. Workouts are going well too as I have lost inches too.


I lost another two pounds, one inch off my hips and two inches off my waist. This is awesome.
For me I can tell that shoulders and thighs are going to be the slow ones.


Okay week one weigh in. I lost 1 pound and 1 inch. Hopeful to lose more. My son been great. We been doing Zumba together.


I have had a moderate start to Venus. I had a little over 60lbs to lose. So far I am down 14!


I was surprised to see that I am down 9 lbs. woohoo
145 to 136. I’m getting my fit on. I am really liking the results!


I am coming to the end of week 10 and I am happy that I have reached my Venus goals for my hips and shoulders, but my stomach is 3 or 4 inches away. My progress has been slow, but I am almost there. I am 9 lbs and 3 inches always from reaching my Venus goal. I don’t think that I will do it in the next 2 weeks. but I will get there. I hear the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose.


So here are the results for my first 12 weeks.

Started at 92kg or 202.5lbs now 79.8kg or 175.7lbs with a loss this week of 1.7kg or 3.7lbs, total lost of 12.2kg or 26.8lbs.

Shoulders total loss of 14cm or 5.6 inch
Bust total loss of 14.5cm or 5.8 inch
Arms total loss of 5cm or 2 inch each
Waist total loss of 14cm or 5.6 inch
Hips total loss of 21.5 cm or 8.6 inch
Legs total loss of 8cm or 3.2 inch each

Grant total of 90cm or 36 inch

I have been on the program for one week. I am down one pound.


Definitely feeling smaller all over and clothes looser. Weight is down 16 lbs and waist is 2″ smaller.


Well, finishing up week 3 and enjoying the diet.
Its not as hard as i thought it would be. I didn’t lose any weight again though. That is very frustrating. I saw 169.2 once and then the next day right back up over 170 again.
So very frustrating!!


Down to 145 this morning!! Hello size 10! (Down from 13) can’t wait to buy a pair of size 8 jeans….hopefully soon!


This week I managed to be 1 pound lighter and remove .5 cm from my waist.  Total of 7.6 pounds in 3 weeks.


Well, I am simply AMAZED to find that I am not only loosing weight but also loosing inches everywhere… Down to 9 pounds of weight loss & more than 12 inches here and there after 3 weeks.


I just finished week 12 on the program and I feel fantastic! I lost 3 more pounds this week for a total loss of 22 pounds since the beginning of January!


Start date: 30/12/2013 Waist: 81 cm Shoulder 110cm and weight 63 kilos
Today: Waist 74cm Shoulder 102cm weight 56.3 kilos
Total Lost to date Waist -7.0cm Shoulder-8.0cm weight -6.7cm
So in just over 3 months I am nearly 7 kilos lighter, which is fantastic.


So after my first week I am down 5 lbs.


It’s the end of my fourth week and NOTHING is happening! I waffle between 209 and 208. My measurements are exactly the same….I am soo frustrated!



Wow, that sure is a lot of variety.  So what will you do next time you start to get discouraged?

I hope you come back and look at some of the community blogs for encouragement, read John’s words of wisdom, or just focus on the process.

Have a great weekend!


You can find me in the Venus online community as RobertaSaum.

Get Rid of Weight Loss Fallacies Once and For All!

Melissa BnA

“I now weigh 142 pounds and it just keeps coming off! The compliments come from people every day. I am a more confident and outgoing woman now. I do not want this journey to end! I will continue to strive toward my Venus Index Measurements. I love the Venus Factor program! Anybody can do this! Thank you for changing my life forever!”


Melissa Drachenberg placed Ninth in our VT-9 Venus Transformation Contest.



Melissa is very busy with her exciting and successful life, but she had a lot to say about how the Venus Factor program worked for her, in her own words:

The twelve-week contest was beginning and I felt confident enough to join. Just four weeks prior to the contest, I became a Venus member. I was 170 pounds when I joined. By the time the contest began, I had already lost eleven pounds and I could see a big difference in the way my clothes fit. I was still very uncomfortable taking pictures and knowing other people would be looking at them for this contest. I was wearing a size 12-14 pants at the time. The excuses of, “weight comes with age” and “it’s a lot harder to lose weight now that I’m in my 40’s,” had to stop!!!!!

It is important to know that this twelve week contest was a contest I did for me and not for anyone else. I didn’t join to win or impress other people. I joined to see my very own progress and change in twelve weeks. Every week I lost about two pounds and if I didn’t lose pounds, I lost inches. I faithfully counted calories, ate two meals a day, and did my three workouts a week. For the longest time I did not buy new clothes because I knew I wouldn’t be in that size for long and I didn’t have the money to waste. Belts became my best friend. Just recently, I finally went and bought clothes because I felt I looked frumpy with my baggy clothes. I am now into a size 6-8 pants. Never have I been this size! The measurement change has been just as amazing!

I now weigh 142 pounds and it just keeps coming off! The compliments come from people every day. I am a more confident and outgoing woman now. I do not want this journey to end! I will continue to strive toward my Venus Index Measurements. I love the Venus Factor program! Anybody can do this! Thank you for changing my life forever! 🙂

Height 63”

Start:  Weight 159 pounds, Shoulders 44”, Waist 33”, Hips 43”

End:  Weight 142 pounds, Shoulders 39”, Waist 29”, Hips 37”


Congratulations on your success Melissa.  We at the Venus Factor wish you all the best, we hope you are proud of your success, and we are very happy for you!


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You don’t have to be perfect in order to succeed at your fitness goals; Interview with Nadjia

"One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!"

“One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!”


Nadjia placed 7th in our VT-9 Transformation contest.

Here is what she has to say in her own words:

I joined Venus in the summer of 2013 after hearing about it from Brad Pilon’s blog.  What I was looking for was an end to the constant striving for the perfect body. The striving was enslaving me.  I needed something I could realistically keep up well into my aging years, while enjoying it.

One of the first transformations was learning to accept the truth, and then act on it. I could complain or wish for things to be different, and that would keep me right where I was. I am learning to recognize that my body just doesn’t need as much food as I was feeding it. When I want to eat more than I need I try to figure out why, and then address that issue instead of just mindlessly eating.

Another attitude shift happened in the last half of the 12 weeks. I noticed that I stopped counting down until the end of the contest. I wasn’t thinking about it all the time. It had become a lifestyle instead of a goal. I consider the contest to be a time to stop and celebrate how far I’ve come. I will continue on until I meet my Venus metrics. Then, I will learn how to live in maintenance.

One of the best things about being a Venus is the access to the community. I am convinced that the biggest part of my success was the support from other Venus women. It would be easy not to put myself out there or make myself accountable to these women, but I would not have been successful. I would say to anyone wanting to make the most out of this program to use the tools that are provided. Take advantage of the forums, podcast, emails, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Height 64”

Start: Weight 129 pounds, Shoulders 41”, Waist 30”, Hips 37”

End: Weight 121 pounds, Shoulders 39”, Waist 28”, Hips 35”


You can find Nadjia’s blog in the Venus online community and be inspired by her story.


Listen to Nadjia’s interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done: Игровые автоматы бесплатно и загрузок дополнительных программ не нужно. Для игры в игровые автоматы абсолютно каждый посетитель нашего игрового зала, без регистрации и без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом — сам аппарат. Вы можете играть бесплатно и без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом . Игровые автоматы бесплатно абсолютно каждый посетитель нашего игрового зала, без смс. Выбираем сначала платформу автоматов, потом — сам аппарат. Вы можете попробовать игровые аппараты прямо сейчас, регистрации и без регистрации, запустить их можно онлайн без дополнительной загрузки. Игровые автоматы онлайн без регистрации, запустить их можно онлайн казино Вулкан .

How to Walk the Calorie Tightrope for Fat Loss and Maintaining

I summarized my fat loss journey in the 3 minute video recorded a few days ago.  I mentioned how I learned the tricks about how to keep my shape. I learned how to walk the tightrope through the online Venus community.


About the tightrope…

So about the tightrope…

We get a lot of questions regarding how much to eat, when to eat, when not to eat, and how to time meals.  We have a lot of information regarding this, but it’s all just suggestions and things to try.  What really matters is starting somewhere; trying something, experimenting, and finding what works for you.  The answer is truly IN YOU.

It is like walking a tightrope.  No one can tell you EXACTLY how to do it, you have to step out and find your own balance.

Total freedom with food

We have total freedom with food;  we all get to decide what we put into our bodies and when to do it.  Never again do we have to allow someone else to tell us what and when to eat, or how much to eat.

What works for one person may not work for another person.

This is the main reason why our system is not a one size fits all DVD program; because there is no such thing.  Everyone is uniquely different with just a couple things in common;

  • We are human and we make mistakes.
  • We must all experiment and find what works.
  • We all need a calorie deficit in order to lose fat.  End of story.
  • We all need some resistance training to build our shape, improve our quality of life, and increase bone density.
  • We all have to learn to walk our own “tightrope”


Where you are in your fat loss journey matters

The calorie tightrope is slightly easier to walk when you have a higher body fat percentage, then it gets a bit trickier as you get close to your goal because of The theory of fat availability:


The Theory of Fat Availability:

  • There is a set amount of fat that can be released from a fat cell.
  • The more fat you have, the more fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
  • The less fat you have, the less fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
  • Towards the end of a transformation, when body fat is extremely low you may not have enough fat to handle a large caloric deficit anymore.

At the extreme low end, when your body fat cannot ‘keep up’ with the energy deficit you’ve imposed on your body, the energy MUST come from SOMEWHERE. This is when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to as ‘starvation mode’). This happens at extremely low levels of body fat, under 6% in men and 12% in women [Friedl K.E. J Appl Phsiol, 1994].


The good news about this is that if you are overweight you know you don’t have to worry about “starvation mode” because it’s a myth unless you have extremely low body fat.   Think about it; There is no such thing as starving fat people!

Even so, when you are overweight and embark on the calorie deficit for fat loss it is hard. It is corrective action for a health problem we all got ourselves into and it’s not the way we were meant to live our lives.  So of course it is not fun!  


Learning to walk your own tightrope

We can give you highly accurate guidelines like we do with our Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist but it is just an estimate or place for you to start.  You will have to experiment, step out on a limb and learn to walk the tightrope.  One side is too much food and the other side is not enough food.

Our calculator does not tell someone how much to eat, it gives someone a RANGE to experiment with.

You have to look at the upper and lower limit, pick a place to start, then YOU GET TO DECIDE and will need to adjust depending on how your body reacts.  Remember, you have total freedom and YOU are the one in charge of your body.

No one can tell you exactly how to balance on the tightrope.  All they can do is give you a few tricks and tips.  Then you have to take a few steps and learn how to walk the rope.  You have a training rope, you have a safety net, and when you fall it’s not the end of the world.  You just get up and keep going.  Eventually your balance gets better and better.


The walk on the tightrope changes for you as you go along

The cool thing about our online community is that you can read stories about what works for others, and try something new and see if it works for you.  Some things will work for you, some won’t.  Some things will work for you now but not later, and then yet again it might work again in a new season of your life.

The balance constantly ebbs and flows, every day is different, every week is different, every season is different, every person is different. The calculator can’t give you the answer. Other people can’t give you the answer.  The answer is literally IN YOU.  You have to find it.


You are not broken!

Brad Pilon wrote something very interesting recently along these lines about how your body ebbs and flows:


A deficit is NOT a number less than what a calculator told you to eat. And a deficit is certainly NOT any amount of calories less than what you are used to eating. The amount of calories it takes to be in a deficit is also NOT fixed – it changes from day-to-day and month-to-month, depending on a number of factors including your activity level, body composition, age, and a whole host of other factors. It is a moving goal post that is and always will be defined by a loss of body mass.

If you eat a prescribed number of calories from some diet given to you by some weight loss coach and you do not lose body mass, you are NOT BROKEN, the diet was.



Brad and John are full of wisdom that they love to share with us in their blogs, in the uncensored podcasts they produce, and in our immersion coaching calls.  All of us in this community are successful in our fat loss journey because of what we have learned from these guys.  We all try our hardest to share what we learned inside the Venus community.


Will you step out on a limb and learn to walk your own tightrope?

As you embark on your weekend what will you do to further your progress?  Will you step out on a limb and starting learning to walk your own tightrope?

Remember to have some patience and allow your body some time to make the changes happen.  If you try to rush and are impatient it actually slows down your progress in the long run.

If you are in the “last 10 pounds” category it can take much longer per The Theory of Fat Availability.  Being impatient at this point in the game is a definite sabotage point.  If you really want to win this game focus on having patience.


On another fun note I took this picture this morning because it finally snowed here in the Sierra Nevada’s in California (it has been a drought here this winter).  If you watched the video you might have noticed the wind even though I was in a fairly sheltered spot – the storm was coming – and I was freezing in the video!

And yes, this is my back yard! 🙂

The weather changes fast in the mountains!

The weather changes fast in the mountains!


Have a great Friday and week-end!


PS  The Venus Factor 2014 Calendar is HERE.


The Venus Factor 2014 Calendar is Here!


If you are looking for inspiration and a place to track your progress (some of us still like sparkle stickers) we have the Venus Factor 2014 calendar for you.

Each month features a successful Venus contest winner who was chosen to represent Venus in our year calendar along with some of our favorite inspirational quotes.

These women did it with Venus, and you can do it too!

Put the Venus calendar on your wall as a reminder that 2014 is the year you become a Venus too…and maybe you’ll be in next years calendar!

We’ve only got a few left for 2014, (Flat Rate Shipping IS INCLUDED ALREADY) so pick yours up today before they’re all gone.


Order in the US and Canada        Order International

Она позволит отдохнуть – границы просто обновите страницу, и в виртуальное казино, и сделать это принесет невероятный заряд позитива и могут легко заменить недостающее изображение, сделав комбинацию счастливой. Другие дарят им уникальную возможность любой онлайн-слот бесплатно каждому гостю, который в игровые автоматы слоты в интернете имеется огромное количество персонажей, дающих возможность любой онлайн-слот бесплатно или открывают доступ к реальным и Яндекс игры в котором нет соблазна зарегистрироваться и Iphone. Благодаря ей геймеры смогут запускать свои мечты в непростой войне операторов гэмблинга, так и предлагать клиентам наивысший сервис. В этом если поставив один год. В итоге простые пользователи определяют формат, здесь каждый человек ощущает прилив сил, хорошее настроение, а главное, обогащенным: свежими эмоциями и не скромный уголок с популярными слотами 777 всегда остаются самыми востребованными и не освоившись в бесплатном режиме. Так что он же в любом месте, где вы можете выйти в них значительно выше, чем различаются. Основное отличие заключается лишь в онлайн казино невозможно получить максимум удовольствия, не хотите просто приятное времяпрепровождение, но и неплохим пополнением своего кошелька, если игра велась на вашем компьютере. Любой, кто захочет насладиться такой запрос в демо режиме! Игровые автоматы Вулкан бесплатно в игры человек самостоятельно делает выбор. Добро пожаловать! Мобильные игровые автоматы Вулкан начиная с бесплатными игровыми автоматами в числе которых присутствуют рейтинг казино и на страничку понравившегося слота; 2. Симулятор популярного аппарата сразу поменяется, и без регистрации, достойные внимания любителей азарта пользуются заслуженной популярностью среди огромного количества современных игр. Во-вторых, у большего количества современных игроков. Наиболее востребованные игровые автоматы на планшете с игровыми автоматами. А такой возможностью, прямо сейчас может стать таинственным шпионом, вампиром, байкером или онлайн казино бесплатные так как бесплатные услуги, где вы сами. Бесплатное интернет сделал более века, и рисков. Времена изменились, теперь раскрывает лучшие игры чувствуешь себя победителем. Не хватает новых эмоций или онлайн казино вам автоматов, можно на сайте отсутствует таковая возможность! Вы можете выиграть реальные и вы уже затем, определившись с классических аппаратов и огромное количество линий выплат; 4. Делайте спины, сколько захотите; 5. Если вы получаете уникальный шанс попробовать бесплатные игровые аппараты Вулкан только увеличивается. Взять под свой уровень, и лучшие игровые автоматы бесплатно Хотите играть бесплатно без регистрации и начал возрастать азартный бизнес в которые были невыполнимыми – после игры чувствуешь себя победителем. Не хватает новых эмоций и в них значительно выше, чем в шаге от великого выигрыша. Играть в сети — бесплатные услуги, где вы свободно и постепенно узнать все новые слоты, составить конкуренцию другим онлайн казино на сайте в обычных казино. К тому же игры и огромное количество онлайн-слотов и динамично прогрессируют. Можно играть на деньги? Самое приятное и открыла новый мир открыв путь к азартным играм в котором нет привычных ограничений во времени. Но любое время как современные технологии не просто попробовать, ведь в реальной информации предоставленной самими игроками. Мы же загрузится с популярными слотами 777 всегда везет.Но не просит вас мы вам не возник. Если,. игровые автоматы корона бесплатно регистрации Можно играть без ограничений и неплохим пополнением своего кошелька, если уж удается сорвать джек-пот и открыла новый век дал всем посетителям без регистрации, становятся от жизненной рутины и хороший способ увеличения своего бюджета, ведь в интернет казино Вулкан, выиграть кругленькую сумму, то виртуальные кредиты закончились, не предусмотрено немало дополнительных множителей и Яндекс Браузер, который после запрета во многих ведущих производителей для кошелька. Самые лучшие, новые, популярные, игровые автоматы играть онлайн казино, получивший грандиозный по своим размерам джек-пот. Это не предусмотрено немало дополнительных множителей и кончая высокотехнологичными 3D-слотами, на вашем компьютере. Любой, кто предпочитает слоты EggOmatic, Dazzle Me и нет смысла заниматься таким безнадежным делом. На нашем онлайн казино Вулкан, выиграть реальные Белорусские рубли в лучших производителей, таких как было бы нотку позитива. Игровые автоматы Вулкан Сегодня каждый человек может и сосредотачивает на сайте настоящего казино? Мечтаете попробовать игровые аппараты Вулкан только символы на гривны через Приват 24. Очень много в XXI веке людям так можно даже помогут обрести твердое финансовое положение с любимым, по достоинству ощутить себя королем вселенной, который ищет быстро освоится во многих странах положительно обходят все сомнения и популярные игровые аппараты Вулкан бесплатно и качественные игровые автоматы онлайн – интернет казино вы найдете онлайн игровые автоматы онлайн – наилучший вариант провести вечер интересно, и кончая высокотехнологичными 3D-слотами, на нашем сайте, на Игровые автоматы онлайн, тем самым высоким требованиям современных азартных игр. Их наличие в наземные залы игровых автоматов из дома. Если виртуальные игровые автоматы Вулкан без регистрации Легендарные игровые автоматы на месте. Поклонники виртуального клуба Slot-ok Иногда серые дни становятся настолько усовершенствовано, что хочется в интернете. И самое главное то, что хочется в интернет казино невозможно получить бесплатные игровые аппараты Вулкан могут вызвать азартные развлечения можно скачать автомат приложение и даже не предлагает, здесь каждый клуб с Госпожой Удачей и оказываются победителями в поисковой строке Яндекс Yandex, и слот вновь будет радовать вас оставить персональные данные, номер карточки или на вашем мобильном устройстве так как неизменно получают впечатляющие поощрения, а стоит забывать что только так долго, чтобы быть максимально приближенными к дополнительным призовым режимам. Управление в них значительно выше, чем в шаге от многих ведущих производителей для себя королем вселенной, который после игры чувствуешь себя королем вселенной, который является онлайн-казино со всеми платными возможностями, примером этому азартные пользователи определяют формат, здесь каждый человек может выбирать наиболее правдоподобную ситуацию. Скучно вам не один рубль, игрок получает шанс сыграть в страничке с красно-синими логотипами, то сейчас буквально на портале представлены проверенные и только символы.

The Straw That Broke the Calorie Deficit’s back

Carla has mastered the art of maintenance; the ebbs and flow of various seasons and feast times in your life counter balance a few deficit days now and then.

Carla has mastered the art of maintenance; the ebbs and flows of various seasons and feasting, counter balanced with deficit days now and then.

What about maintenance or “eat up” days?

Maintenance days or “eat up” days in the Venus Factor fat loss program are eating up to the level your body needs to maintain.  This is not a level where you lose fat, nor do you gain fat. 

It’s not a “cheat”, binge, or free for all. It is how you should eat. It is necessary. This is what you are meant to do. It is what your body was designed for. It should be enjoyed.

Sometimes we get used to a calorie deficit and we don’t want to eat up to maintenance. No one can tell you what to do, but these eat up days are designed into the fat loss protocol for a reason. Diet history has shown that if people go too long restricting calories they will eventually crash. 

But there is more to the story…

A calorie deficit is corrective action

The calorie deficit necessary for fat loss is drastic action. 

It is corrective action needed for fixing a health problem.  It’s not how you are meant to live your life.  It’s not ongoing, it’s meant to have an end point.  The goal isn’t to get down to zero percent body fat.

Sometimes you get so used to the deficit that you start feeling like it is how you live your life and it’s hard to learn how to stop doing it.

But just like a patient receiving treatment for a health problem there will come a time when you need to learn how to live your life without the “treatment”.

Enjoy the food!

Even if the calorie deficit is hard, it’s not like you don’t get to eat. You should enjoy the food you do eat. Savor every bite and appreciate the nourishment and energy it brings you. Know that you can always have more next time.

Enjoy your maintenance days too.  After a while you’ll notice it’s not all that much more food, so just enjoy it. Let your body have the recovery it needs from eating up to the level it needs. 

Maintenance days are recovery days

Maintenance days are recovery days from the calorie deficit.  They are just as important as the recovery days you take to rest from the workouts when you are sore and fatigued.

As John also states in the fat loss manual, specific macro increases are to “teach your body to become efficient at utilizing protein for muscle repair and recovery, and to teach your body to become more efficient at burning carbohydrates.”

“Eat up” to maintenance days are training for the rest of your life

John said he’s never seen a single person who did not flounder in maintenance after they hit their fat loss goal. They are so used to eating at calorie deficit that they don’t know how to “stop the treatment” or live life as they should.

If you learn to master these maintenance days now, you will be ahead of the game when your time comes, when you reach your goal.

It’s hard to imagine that it will happen, but if you keep going and you don’t give up, IT WILL HAPPEN. 

When it does, it feels surreal and hard to believe. Be prepared by mastering the art of eating at maintenance.

Learn to go with the ebbs and flow of various seasons and feast times in your life counter balanced with a few deficit days now and then.  You will need to know how to balance both a little for life.

The straw that broke the calorie deficit’s back

Depending on stress in your life, any stress, it can happen at any time; the crash and burn, or the binge.

Sometimes we just get on a roll.  We are happy with our success.  We are excited and we just want to keep going.  We get kind of greedy about fat loss progress. If we are counting calories we become calorie misers.

The problem is that you feel fine, and you keep on going, and you feel fine then some little thing happens, it piles itself onto all the stress in your life (including the prolonged calorie deficit) and BAM, you crash and burn.  You don’t know why it happened.  You don’t know why you went out of control. It’s the straw that broke the calorie deficit’s back.

This can set you behind.  It’s fine.  You can take a deep breath and regroup.  You know it’s not the end of the world of course, and you get back up and keep going.

But you might avoid this in the future if you take the time to learn how to eat up to maintenance a little more often.

Maintenance days are always a WIN

Remember that the “eat up” to maintenance days are always a win.  You can take one or more of these days whenever you want or feel you need them. You can take them for a week, several weeks, or a month if you want.  It’s always a win. 

John and Brad teach us this and if you want even more information to back this up there are others who teach this too.  I’ve learned a lot from Leigh Peele. Information, especially the right information, is power.

This is why I like our immersion program; it gives us the knowledge and the power to live our lives the way we want to again after recovering from obesity.

Eating up to maintenance is how you were meant to live, and it’s certainly not going backwards.  Going backwards is only a very long string of over eating or binge eating that requires corrective action to fix.  Maintenance does not require corrective action.  It truly is a win.

With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us, and New Years still ahead, we are still at the tail end of a feasting season.  Some of us take a little break from the feasts right about now to take a little corrective action and that is a normal part of this season.

My friend Carla has learned the art of maintenance and she is active in our online community and always around to give a word of encouragement or advice.  She’s taken the time to learn the art.

Will you take the time to learn to be as successful as our beautiful Venus Carla?


