Today we have an interview with Terry Clauss who placed 3rd in the Transformation category in the latest Venus Index Contest.
Check out her pictures:

12 weeks is not much, but will help you get going in the right direction. And every bit counts, it will slow towards the end, but you will get there.
There is a good chance that Terry’s story will resemble to yours, because it’s just so common.
Issues with weight and eating often times start at an early age, we just don’t realize it.
When Terry was 13, her mother was worried that she was getting fat. She took Terry to a doctor who prescribed her diet pills (At the age of 13? WTF!?).
She would not eat and then binge afterwards. The weight loss and weight gain never ending cycle began.
Terry tried EVERY diet there is. From Atkins, to South Beach to Naturally Thin, Diet Solution, Weight Watchers, you name it, she did it.
She had little bits of success, but the issue with all of those diets was that they were all too restrictive. It wasn’t about eating less, it was all about cutting out entire food groups. This may be the conventional approach, but it’s just a ticking time bomb.
You will always make up for whatever you have removed from your diet.
For Terry it was starting to be pretty depressing to be constantly losing and gaining pounds of fat. Today Terry is 53 years old and has 40 years of unsuccessful attempts of dieting behind her. At first she was skeptical because she wasted so much money, time and effort on other programs in the past.
Could you imagine trying to lose weight for year after year for 40 years in a row? Without any significant or long-term success, how would you feel, would you think that it’s even possible to lose weight anymore?
At this stage most women think that it’s their hormones and they just can’t lose any weight no matter what they do.
Well, Terry decided to give Eat Stop Eat and Venus Index a chance.
At first she tried ESE and got some results with that, so she trusted Brad Pilon. When he sent an email about the results from the third Venus Index contest and she saw that the girls all looked like normal people and just after 12 weeks they got in great shape, she jumped right in.
She improved her physique and she is finally on her way to building a body she can be proud of and keep all year round.
What really drove her to do this was that her son was going to have a baby and like she said: “I didn’t want to be a chunky grandma.”, so she decided to get in better shape.
It’s never too late and even if you’ve been trying to lose weight and get in shape for the past 40 years without any results, you still have a chance to do so, you just need the right approach.
Terry is proof of that.
Don’t Be Afraid of a New Approach, You Have Nothing to Lose
When we are trying something new, we feel anxiety and excitement at the same time. Usually, we are excited about it, but once it’s time to take action we realize that it’s new and doesn’t feel very comfortable. On one hand it’s exciting, but on the other, we would rather go back to our previous habits.
Well, the biggest growth happens outside your comfort zone and if you want to get different and new results, you need different and new approaches. Doing uncomfortable things at first will expend your comfort zone.
It’s really up to you whether you will shape your future or just accept whatever comes your way.
Terry sat down and compared the pro’s and con’s.
She asked herself: “What is the worst thing that can happen?” and “What is the best thing that can happen?”
She also admitted that without having to send the before pictures at the beginning, she wouldn’t be so committed and would have probably dropped out during the first few weeks.
The Venus Index contest works as accountability and will help you stick to your plan, it will keep you motivated, because you want to send pictures that shows at least some kind of difference.
And after the contest?
Well, first this get’s you moving and then gives you momentum to continue and take it further.
Take Home Message:
- Focus on the Venus Index workouts, they work if you follow them as written
- Work out when you have the most energy, but make sure you go to the gym, don’t make excuses
- If you are not losing weight after weeks of dieting, your weight loss plan is not working, change it
- Some people don’t want to hear the truth about diet, it’s not sexy, what about you?
- Find what works for you and stick to it
- Don’t look for excuses, life does get in the way, but you have to deal with it in order to succeed
- Do it covertly, you don’t need to tell anybody
- People will start to ask you what you are doing, that’s when you can tell them about it if you choose to
- Enter the contest, don’t be afraid it, it’s a good motivator
- Venus Index is for normal people that have a job and a family
- If you take a break, don’t make it too long
Programs Terry Used:
- Anything Goes Diet – Diet that allowed Terry to eat anything she wanted, without any meal plans to follow or list of “forbidden foods”
- Eat Stop Eat – Terry did the Eat Stop Eat fasts twice a week
- Reverse Taper Diet – Diet protocol that Terry used along with AGD and ESE to avoid overeating after the contest was over
- Venus Index Circuits – Venus Index workout plan Terry followed that helped her optimize her Venus Index ratio and get her closer to her idea body shape
- Venus Index Community – Forum full of amazing women, sharing all their fitness and lifestyle tips and tricks
Read Terry’s experience with Venus Index in her own words
My journey through VT4 has been a wonderful one. I started the workout and have followed as best I could with some modifications when needed because of previous injuries and bad weak knees. In the beginning I was doing the 3 workouts per week and trying to do some cardio 3 other days. I eventually skipped the cardio and have just been doing the VI workouts because I was getting so tired from the cardio I was doing that I was losing my motivation to do anything…
Listen to the interview here:
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